New Replicator Rations Offer

in The Bridge
I'm guessing they're only hoping to catch newbies with this one. Now, if this included five extra replicator uses per day, I would bite.

As far as the 5* rations go I'm always disappointed when I get them on a voyage in place of a 4* crew so I certainly wouldn't pay for more of them.
As more different offers as better. Everyone can pick the offer that suits them best.
Nothing wrong with it.
3900 fuel points for replicator. 3440 fuel points to replicate a legendary item.
So you use 14 of them plus something else say those blue trainers.
Leaving you one to use on something else.
So is one legendary item plus the leftover 1,250,000 credits worth it. Is what it comes down to.
As UnkieB says it really comes down to the credits with the rations as bonus.
You're welcome. And I'm male for the record.
I can't really see it being worth the money. I'd rather burn honor for rations rather than money. Or excess components.
I have to agree. Just run extra cadet tickets on Saturday on Epic 5th mission for credits.
For a month or so I've been doing that with the double reward ad watch each time AND buying 6 extra tickets, just to break even
I am CONSTANTLY credit starved so it's really not that bad... I won't be buying because the rations don't interest me at all but this would be pretty good for newer players
PM for details.
So long and thanks for all the fish.
I guess I didn't consider the credit portion of the offer. I have ran out of crew to train so my resources are only growing.
I am beginning to have a feeling after the pinafore data gate their sales dropped
Seriously DB?!? I didn't want it the first time!
It is now being offered as a special offer today that you can buy three times.
I would.
But alas...
~· Fly with the Subspace Eddies! ·~
I see what you did there
Proud Former Officer of The Gluten Empire
Retired 12-14-20. So long, and thanks for all the cat pics!
“I think he likes you pink skin”
But what more is there to say really?
Captain of the voyage vessels: Queen of Bashir, Landsknecht, and Sunspear, the first luxury starship cruiseliners.
Amenities include wifi, fully-functioning holodecks, a full-service bar, 3 party decks, a Trill spa, and a business centre.
Fun fact: The ships are propelled by bouncy castle technology.
When someone (can't remember who) bashed the $100+ universal offer a couple weeks ago with an image that Shan took down and replied with "why don't you offer other ideas instead of posting this like this"
I wasted my time when I did.
It's either absurd over priced offers or low cost, but of no real value offers like this.
No one asked for 5th+ shuttle rentals
Or double point tokens but we've got 3 offers to buy those.
I can't remember anyone in the last year asking for anything like this because anyone who has played for more then 2 weeks knows to run Voyages and if your credit broke, double Saturday tickets.
You wanna sell something to me for $6.99cnd, sell 3 voyage revival tokens and a pack of 10 (use any day) cadet tickets.
There. Just wasted my time again.
Really? A Legendary for $4.99? That has other stuff? And that you can take to 3* or 5*?!?!? I think I would, barring it being one already Immortalized.