Missing something?
in The Bridge
Just curious, how does Zombie already have copies of the New Spock? if he isn't available in portals yet?
Odd thing, my Jackpot today is Armus, i thought the Gauntletcrew wasn't in the loottable for Dabo. I never saw Guinan, Locutus or the Caretaker as the Jackpot prize.
EDIT: sorry, had this open in a tab and didn't realize there was already a reply.
Appreciate it, cause I thought I was seeing things.
Every Legendary crew that is in the vault, can show up on dabo. So some folks probably saw him on Wednesday already.
That is odd. Armus should not be in Dabo
Congrats thou, didn't mean to call you out, but didnt know any other way of asking, without showing an example
Thank you, All fine.
I think this is probably unintentional @Shan ?
Maybe worth creating a seperate thread in engineering?