Why did you have to ruin Faction Events ?
- The old Faction Event system was actually giving everyone a fair chance. Now it's clearly designed only for P2W, because of the shuttle tokens.
- The new rewards score bars are just absurdly high. 400k ? 100k per day ? Please tell me by what math you can get 100k per day since what used to be the top 1k players were getting 60k per day (and that's only if no excessive failures happened) and that's with quite a few time reducing boosters. Again, P2W.
This game has gone too Ferengi again.
- The new rewards score bars are just absurdly high. 400k ? 100k per day ? Please tell me by what math you can get 100k per day since what used to be the top 1k players were getting 60k per day (and that's only if no excessive failures happened) and that's with quite a few time reducing boosters. Again, P2W.
This game has gone too Ferengi again.
By using a lot more time boosts. I will have used more than 60, maybe 70 of them by the time the event ends. I'm not sure if I will be able to stay into 1k, but I hope so.
Apart from that, I agree with you. The first time I ranked in the 1k was during the Emperor Georgiou event. I decided to overshoot and ranked about 220, by using weaker crew and fewer time boosts than I'm using this time. And I don't think this version of Spock is excessively popular.
It also means that I won't be able to rank in another faction event until I have replenished my time boosts.
I'm not sure if it's only the shuttle tokens though. The new reward systems and the double-rewards ad for Thursday missions also play into it.
Joined: 11/2017
VIP-Level: 14
Fleet: [GER]StarFleet
Immortals total: 437; 23 Legendaries; 257 Super Rare; 79 Rare; 51 Uncommon; 27 Common
Collections: Rare; Uncommen; Common; Live Long and Prosper; Do no Harm; Chain of Command; The neutral Zone; Valor in Combat; The Daystrom Award; The Eugenic Wars; Rules of Aquisition
Having similar experience I'm coming up to Troi threshold and there is a chance I might get her but if my 90% 5* skill boosted crew are going to pass/fail at 50% then i might as well just quit right now no point actually wasting those rare boosts. I got a miles better legendary from the 10x pull why bother on a card that you can't use for her event and is unlikely to be of immediate use in the future.
are you deliberately trying to disenfranchise your player base.
now only the P2W will ever be in the top 1k group.
i use to buy the occasional extra crew, but now, what is the point.
we have no chance of even seeing that list.
i wonder how many possible players you just lost with this bone head Ferengi move.
think i ll just save my money for some thing else.
oh and By The Way, i have the: Borg Cube, HMS Bounty, and most of the NX01 finished. so why would i ever bother buying the stary skies pack at $25. enjoy your Lamborghini boys, i'm not paying for it.
[FSC] Peace Keepers
Gryphon [****] Adm
I am VIP0. I got 400K.
The "math" you speak of is called "effort".
I think you spelled “unsustainable usage of time reduction boosts” a little funny. Assuming you can complete the kickstart in under three hours, you can run 31 sets of shuttles. If you can sustain an 80% success rate (which depends on your crew, how they match event missions, and RNGesus) and don’t like sleeping all night long, that’s still under 397,000 points...not enough for the final threshold. Sure, you can use the shuttle requisition tokens or timeless reward doublers from the thresholds and hope one of them passes, but if you miss a turn-in your entire plan falls apart without 3+* time boosts. Hoping you can get enough of them to both run the kickstart and have spares for making up failed/missed shuttles from Thursday cadet rewards doesn’t seem sustainable to me.
Never mind being a consistent top 1000 performer, which already required more 3* time boosts than anyone can get weekly without spending money...now the ability to clear thresholds consistently without spending has been threatened.
Faction Events are almost purely about how many shuttles you can send during the event. Let's be real: the "effort" involved is virtually nil. Maybe you mean the effort of building a decent crew?
As the event is designed, 4 shuttles / 3 hours, hitting top 1K and extended thresholds is not possible. That's not a lack of effort, it's poor design. Spending boosts is still not "effort".
Spend money, spend time, spend both. These are the biggest predictors of success for this game. That people take so much pride in these event results is hilarious to me.
I suppose that's just human nature. People take pride in their "home town" sports team's successes, even when they had absolutely nothing to do with it (unless they're claiming they won because they cheered so loudly for them in the stands
Could you please continue the petty bickering? I find it most intriguing.
~ Data, ST:TNG "Haven"
I had the 4* Event crew, and some really good 5* support crew.
Unlike most on this forum, I did not use my shuttle rental tokens in the last event. (not that they were much use for me in this event, but I used about 50% of my supply, which leaves me with 8 for the next Faction event)
I have stockpiled a large ammount of 3*, 4* and 5* Shuttle trait boosts, which was significant in this event.
Why the stockpile? Usually I'm threshold and out in Faction events, cause... why bother?
This time, there was something to play for and I did it.
For perspective, I have >200 3* time reducers in my inventory.
I was a nazi in my mission selection. I had +88% success in the four 3-seater missions. I was meticulous in maximizing the skill sets for each. I found some success in a fifth shuttle, but that was rare. The 3 seaters where the VP express train was.
I didn't start spending DIL until AFTER I reached 400K VP, because I saw the opportunity to finally land the <250 rank achievement.
(I ended at Rank 226, and two Legendary Cards to the spoils.)
I attribute most of my success to the Rage Quit that happened before the event started. I normally do not rank in the top 1000, but this time, there was a vector which I could pursue.
Did I lose sleep? Not really. At my age, waking up every three hours is now the norm. Pick up the tablet, go to the bathroom. Click Click Drop done. Back to bed. Shewt, I was offline for over eight whole hours on Sunday.
So I agree with the camp that tactics won the day. I did nothing special, just waited for my sniper shot to find its mark.
so what MACRO program you using then, or
do you never: eat, sleep, use the bathroom, or even have any sort of life.
to me, your very statement makes you suspicious.
many of us happen to play very well, and have the crew to back us, but
even we have to sleep some time. miss just one send off, and its all over.
[FSC] Peace Keepers
Gryphon [****] Adm
I also agree that for faction, the effort is virtually nil.
However, the effort comes from: keeping time, remembering when your shuttles come back, deciding on whether your chances are better if you send 4 timeboosted shuttles or 5 skillboosted shuttles. Which skill boosts should be used? How should you spread your bonus crew amongst your shuttles? Who are you going to send on voyages during a faction event so you can still hit a 6 hour voyage without compromising your event success. It all adds up, and I admit I feel a bit drained after this last event.
Someone mentioned completing the kickstart in under 3 hours... Are you doing it right!? I always finish my kickstart in under 40 minutes... It doesn't take that long to run a bunch of one-minute shuttles and a bunch of insta-return timeboosted shuttles.
And I am not going to meaningfully respond to the macro comment.
As mentioned before... Faction events require little effort.
Eating takes 10 minutes. Bathroom takes 2 minutes. 3 HR shuttles are good for that.
Sleeping takes 6-7 hours. 9hr shuttles are good for that.
I will, however, concede that I have no life or any friends.
I'm OK with that.
I can't devote all my time to every event every week, so I pick and choose my moments to grab what I need in the most economical moment and event when I can. We all have limited resources in this game.
I started with a completed Platonian Kirk which I shared with my squadron.
Apollo was completed after reaching the 150k reward 5* item.
I eventually also had a 3/4* Apollo (Level 80) from the event to use.
I have 3 other Kirks immortalized, 2 more 1/5* Kirks, Level 100.
I have 4-5 Trois at various stages of completion (all Level 70-100) that I used here and there, not counting Immortalized Deanna Troi which I could only use a few times. Mintakan Troi is almost finished now, just a few items to go.
So, all told a had a good Dirty Dozen bonus crew I could use for my shuttles.
I kick started at the beginning and ran the 16 1 1/2 hour shuttles with ***Time Boosts. I used the remaining 10-12 ***Time Boosts during the event. I also used around 8 ****TBoosts (all I had). I used one 2X Rewards Boost on a shuttle I was confident on, but never really had enough oomph for a 5th shuttle to use any requisition tickets.
I stayed in the 500-600 ranks for most of the event, but I'm with you @ScienceRocks, in the last 3 hours I dropped 400+ spots! It was crazy at the end. When I saw the heavy push, I sent out my only shuttle requisition ticket with my last Time Boost and a 71% chance with < 2hrs to go. I liked my chances, but didn't know if it was going to be enough. My last batch of shuttles came in w/ < 10 minutes to go, 4/5 (that req shuttle was a wreck) and I finished with 459,416 points, about 1000 points shy of the top 1000.
I REALLY wanted Mountaineer Spock but came up short. But I did score three 5* crew because of the event: with the extra honor reward (and a few decent voyages during the event) I had enough Honor Points for a Gold Behold!.. I got another BeGold! with the Premium Time Portal threshold reward and also claimed Goddess Troi @400k.
And with one more success anywhere along the way, I could've had Spock too! But I felt like I was fighting against those Science slots the ENTIRE event! I still gave myself a chance at the end. Sure, I could've done just a bit more for the ultimate goal, but didn't know I needed too until after the 3hours-to-go mark and at that point there are only few options left. I didn't think until later I could have brought back maybe 2 shuttles with dilithium I have on hand (which is much cheaper to do now than before if you've noticed). #hindsight Im still deciding if I want to get a few event packs this week.
Yes, I ran shuttles for 4 day. That costs some time during the day (and night), but faction events are the least time consuming of all the event types. I can't always do that every event (I actually have a real Life! [sometimes]), but it is not that difficult if you have internet and a plan. With all the new options now, maybe faction event endings will be more like this one if there is a decent 5* reward we all want. But all these options I CAN get and WILL save for the nextime I can/want to do it.
I also spent $0 on this event.
I did get top 1k comfortably this event, but my squad leader was generous enough to give me the lead which was a big help, and I had the prior week's legendary (helped with sci slots others mentioned being a problem), and I was SUPER diligent with 3 hour cell phone timers and set alarms overnight 2 nights. I don't think I want to be that committed anymore, so I'm going to start being more selective about which faction events to participate in. It's become too much of a personal life strain. I spent NO dil this weekend, though I did buy one extra set of thursday cadet tickets last week.
Fair point. Fandom is a **very warm place of a** **perception altering substance**.
Having no life is the biggest competitive edge one can have in this game, and that's not a dig against anyone here. It was the cornerstone of my game strategy and effort for a year or so. I begrudge no one who similarly benefits from this advantage.
It's a numbers game ultimately and more opportunities yield higher returns. People that can play every three hours or every ninety minutes (adjusting for sleep...or not) inherently have an advantage in this format that can't be matched without significant resource investment. Again, this is fine and it doesn't require macros.
Everything else (excepting having a good crew and a lot of timer boosts) probably amounts to tenths of a percent.
What's problematic is that this level of time/money commitment is increasingly setting the competitive bar for diminishing returns. Since I tend to avoid the rank legendary, this rarely affects me personally. But I know a lot of people still do care, particularly new players, and I remember when being competitive was a goal. It's long past the point where DB needs to start thinking about the 60k+ players outside the top 1K and their experience of the game.
While I can appreciate that DB has finally done something for, shall we say the most devoted players, it has come at the expense of the rest of the playerbase. This dichotomy was completely unnecessary.
Actually that is main point in this new faction. I managed to get to 400k and get Troi exactly 29 minutes before event ended.
I used 40 3* time boosts and 8 tokens for additional shuttles to manage that. Over night I sent shuttles with 9 hours extenders because I need sleep.
But for me main problem with faction is just the fact that I need to be "online" every three hours or less (with time boost) to even compete for new threshold.
I probably won't do that again. My personal time is precious to me and I want to spend it on something fun, not something that takes more planning than my job.
Galaxy and skirmish are much more appealing now because I can play them 2 hours in a row (if I have enough chrons) and take the rest of the day free.