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Monday Offers December 3rd

Not a 10x10 but it is tempting. I'm still passing though.


  • Honorable crew, easy pass
    Most anticipated character not in the game: Mr. Homn
  • RennJaxoRennJaxo ✭✭✭✭✭
    Not a 10x10 but it is tempting. I'm still passing though.

    Reach Your Goals, some seventy dollar monstrosity that's basically this with double the dil and 3000 chrons. The hardest of passes.
  • WebberoniWebberoni ✭✭✭✭✭
    Iconic Crew:
    - 30 premium 10x packs
    - 1500 dilithium
    - $69.99 Canadian

    Hard pass.
  • *Nomad* {PoF}*Nomad* {PoF} ✭✭✭✭✭
    Ya, ummmm, no.....

    Founding ADM - PoF family of fleets (POF, POF2 & POF3) - Dear TP: Non sequitur. Your facts are uncoordinated.
  • ProontProont ✭✭✭✭✭

    This would be more tempting if I weren't annoyed at DB.
  • Starry Skies AGAIN!!!!!!!

    How & WHY is this still a thing?!?!?!
  • "Shi* It" :(
    Conquer space indeed...potty space! :s
  • They seem to think I have space for 300 new crew and that I want to spend £40.,...... Lol
  • easypeasyeasypeasy ✭✭✭
    edited December 2018

    Hard pass


    Amazing how it's nearly £9 cheaper using Amazon store version of the game though.....
  • Average GuyAverage Guy ✭✭✭✭
    easypeasy wrote: »

    Hard pass


    Amazing how it's nearly £9 cheaper using Amazon store version of the game though.....

    They are probably discounting their part of the cut. That amount doesn't all go to DB. It gets split among a variety of different companies from DB to distribution to retail. They probably make less than half.
  • Average GuyAverage Guy ✭✭✭✭
    edited December 2018
    I hadn't spent anything in over a month so I splurged on a 10 x 10 pack. Got my first star on Defensive Phlox, 7 useful 4* and an above average amount of honour. Come to think of it, it might be the first time since then that I received that offer.

    When I buy these pack offers, I tend to get better 4* results. Most of my free packs lately tend to be triple immortalized options. Coincidence, or is it just RNG trying to be funny?
  • 10x10, I'm mulling it over. 12 hours to decide.
    Drunken Dahar Masters is recruiting active players.
    PM for details.

    So long and thanks for all the fish.
  • 10/10 which I’m tempted by. However, I’m probably going to hold off since I feel that a certain cheesecake eating SCI-MED-ENG character may drop this month.
  • Captain_WhoCaptain_Who ✭✭✭✭✭
    10x10, I'm mulling it over. 12 hours to decide.

    Those 12 hours have cost them more than a few of my sales. Either bad timing on the timer, delay to see if I want to spend money elsewhere, or even here, or getting a play card from a store if I'm in a cash mood.
  • Some dilithium offer that I'm ignoring.

    I was hoping for a 10x10 offer. They have been mostly disappointing for me over the last months, but it's the only offer I used to buy and I haven't seen one in November, so I guess I would have bought it this time.
  • I did the 10x10 last week and it was really disappointing. Added a few stars to 4* and a couple 4* beholds, but no legendaries at all. Won't be doing that again.
  • Dirk GundersonDirk Gunderson ✭✭✭✭✭
    Webberoni wrote: »
    Iconic Crew:
    - 30 premium 10x packs
    - 1500 dilithium
    - $69.99 Canadian

    Hard pass.

    Same here, but US$49.99. I can appreciate that there are variations on the popular 10 for $10 but it’s just not as attractive to me. It better be a pretty darn special offer to cut loose that much money at once.
  • Captain_WhoCaptain_Who ✭✭✭✭✭
    Webberoni wrote: »
    Iconic Crew:
    - 30 premium 10x packs
    - 1500 dilithium
    - $69.99 Canadian

    Hard pass.

    Same here, but US$49.99. I can appreciate that there are variations on the popular 10 for $10 but it’s just not as attractive to me. It better be a pretty darn special offer to cut loose that much money at once.

    You want the 10 for 10 or 30 for 50 to be worth something, then increase the honor for the 95+% wasted crew you'll get. And/Or split the packs into smaller categories so you're more likely to get crew you need.

    When I have < 1/3 of the 4* crew immortalized, and ALL of my beholds for the past 2+ months have been only all immortalized crew, then why should I risk flushing portraits of Grant down the drain for a single 3* citation?

    - 30 10x packs

    - 1500 Dil

    - 3000 Chrons

    - 500,000 Credits


    Seriously DB?
  • KaiteeKaitee ✭✭✭✭✭
    10x10, but I'm thinking I'll pass - there's only seven purple crew I don't already have (mostly the more elusive Voyage ones) and while yeah I've got a lot of purples below 4/4, adding an extra star... I dunno, I'm not feeling it at the moment. And even if a gold behold or two do pop up, frankly I've got a bunch of lvl 1 1/5 golds already, what's one more going to do?

    Plus in the back of my mind I'm still kind of worried that Etana Jol might be be up at 400k VPs on the threshold tables. Not that that has any direct relation to the offer, it's just got me in a bit of a mood.
  • Kaitee wrote: »
    10x10, but I'm thinking I'll pass - there's only seven purple crew I don't already have (mostly the more elusive Voyage ones) and while yeah I've got a lot of purples below 4/4, adding an extra star... I dunno, I'm not feeling it at the moment. And even if a gold behold or two do pop up, frankly I've got a bunch of lvl 1 1/5 golds already, what's one more going to do?

    Plus in the back of my mind I'm still kind of worried that Etana Jol might be be up at 400k VPs on the threshold tables. Not that that has any direct relation to the offer, it's just got me in a bit of a mood.

    If they stick Etana at 400k, I think a decent amount of players will quit.

    I wont quit...but it might just push me to the point where i dont even use ads anymore, i already havent spent in over a month and a half, those ads are the only bit of money db is getting from me atm (and when this ban lifts is still to be determined). Really hope they dont drive YET ANOTHER nail into my already closed wallet...
  • 10x10, I'm mulling it over. 12 hours to decide.

    Those 12 hours have cost them more than a few of my sales. Either bad timing on the timer, delay to see if I want to spend money elsewhere, or even here, or getting a play card from a store if I'm in a cash mood.

    Yeah, didn't get it, mostly because yesterday evening I got tired and decided to sleep rather than log in, but also...
    Kaitee wrote: »
    10x10, but I'm thinking I'll pass - there's only seven purple crew I don't already have (mostly the more elusive Voyage ones) and while yeah I've got a lot of purples below 4/4, adding an extra star... I dunno, I'm not feeling it at the moment. And even if a gold behold or two do pop up, frankly I've got a bunch of lvl 1 1/5 golds already, what's one more going to do?

    Plus in the back of my mind I'm still kind of worried that Etana Jol might be be up at 400k VPs on the threshold tables. Not that that has any direct relation to the offer, it's just got me in a bit of a mood.

    ...mostly the same. There are 12 purples I don't have, 2 are voyage only, 1 isn't in the portal, that leaves just 9 that I could have pulled. All the purple crew I currently have are FE, most are FF. My chances of pulling what I need are slimmer and slimmer each pack pull. And last time I got 3 FFFE beholds out of this offer and zero golds. That's a reality that I just don't want to face again.
    Drunken Dahar Masters is recruiting active players.
    PM for details.

    So long and thanks for all the fish.
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