Building My Janeway Collection—Advice?
So I am a Voyager super freak, and a HUGE Janeway fan, and I've been looking to get those characters. I especially want to get most if not all the Janeway versions. My collection as it stands:
Warship Janeway is the next target on my list. How did y'all get her? Any advice on how I should focus my efforts?
- Captain Janeway ****
- Kathryn Janeway **
- Mirror Janeway ****
- Rifle Janeway ***
Warship Janeway is the next target on my list. How did y'all get her? Any advice on how I should focus my efforts?
This. She may be an existing crew in a future event and she will (eventually) drop in the premium portal pulls. I would advise waiting to pull a ton of packs until she pops up in either a Tuesday pack or an event pack, because you could open 100+ premium pulls and never see a single star for her.
It just doesn't help that DB loves doing the same crew over and over for these Tuesday packs. I may be wrong, but that's what I've been seeing.
But it never said she was in this latest pack. I looked at the list and she wasn't on it.
I have heard people saying that they get her from 6-hour Voyages, but my crew is, sadly, nowhere near being able to. I'm able to get gold and silver stats to 2500 or so, sometimes 2800, but that's it.
Crew already in the portal could be in the ET packs as well as those not yet released.
I was there not long ago. It will come suddenly. In your case. I would focus on voyage crew and hold of my focus on specific desired crew until I could hit 6 hours regularly. Personally, I hit the 7 hour mark easily, even with a non-bonus ship and holding some crew back. However, I rarely manage 8 hours. I have close to 400k honor and figure maxing out my mountaineer Spock and the Sphere Builder will likely pop me over the top.
Darn DB for not telling me that... how often do these ET packs come along?
Once or twice a year? It should at least be once a month! Imagine the money they'd rake in.
Not that much. They're too expensive for what you get; a bunch of FF beholds.
78 FE ,78 Lvl 100,
Immortalized: 190
Vip:12 Lvl :64
Your best strategy is to improve your overall crew, so that you can sustain longer voyages (purples only start dropping after six hours) and do well in events. Hopefully there'll also be a Janeway event in the near future as the last one was almost a year ago.
Good luck!!
Glad to know! I made it to four hours yesterday but had to immediately recall after that, only had 230 AM at that point. Got that Vedek I already had for the 3-star crew drop from it.
Don't worry, I've already got the Borg Cube to level 10. It is very efficient.
Some folks use this Voyage Estimator Tool to increase Voyage efficiency (
I don't myself, as I just like futzing around with the crew complement in drafting section, but it seems useful.
Yep, only one way to collect good crew... you got to do it the Janeway. lol.
I ENVY you...
(Is there a particular reason why all the Borg avatars are pixelated/blurry in-game?)
Clarity is futile. You will be assimilated.