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Home for the Holidays Community Pull Results

Anyone get any goodies from the community pull?

I lucked out and got two beholds - an FF fest of 4*s which went straight to honor, and then a rare legendary begold with a second star on Mobile Doctor an easy choice ahead of Klingon Janeway and Mirror Data, neither of whom are ever likely to besmirch my crew...


  • Straight drop of T'Rul who is already immortalized. Not even a Lursa Duras, all garbage.
  • robownagerobownage ✭✭✭✭✭
    Behold with 2/3 purples already FF, making for a pretty easy choice of a third star on Gralik Durr.
  • 800 honor
    Drunken Dahar Masters is recruiting active players.
    PM for details.

    So long and thanks for all the fish.
  • IvanstoneIvanstone ✭✭✭✭✭
    Only a single begold at the end of the pack but it was an ideal pull: Mirror Kirk, Cartwright and RAF O'Brien. Naturally I took O'Brien. A Pilot for the current event and my current fusing focus on top of that. And an excellent crew in general.
    VIP 13 - 310 Crew Slots - 1055 Immortals
  • Mr. LincolnMr. Lincoln ✭✭✭✭✭
    800 honor, including the dump run here. 150 ISS Avenger schems was the highlight. :-I

  • Haere LinteseregHaere Lintesereg ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited December 2018

    Third star for Anbo-jyutsu Riker, 800 honor and fuel replicator.
  • Zetterbeard Zetterbeard ✭✭✭✭✭
    Thresholds Pull

    Community Pull

    All honor.
  • RaraRacingRaraRacing ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited December 2018
    Community Pull
    - Sybok (already immortalised) - non-behold, so 200 honour.

    - 500 honor in 3*s

    - 4x non-usable ship schematics (aside from replicator fodder) ... this is becoming my new pet peeve ... I still have to max out 20 3*-5* ships (18 maxed in total over those categories) ... come on, not one ship I don't already have maxed?

    Threshold Pull
    Still only at 185+k VP ... ugh ...

    EDIT: Okay ... got it ... finally!

    - Behold: Trader Odo (3rd star), Bridge Officer Troi (imm), Doc Crusher (3 stars - will complete her end of the month).

    - 500 Honor in 3*s (including Neelix, B'Etor and Tuvok, bummer I don't need them anymore).

    - 4x non-useable ship schematics ... *copy/paste* what I wrote above ... sheesh.
  • cmdrworfcmdrworf ✭✭✭✭✭
    Straight drop for a 3rd star
    Sir, I protest! I am NOT a merry man!
  • Zetterbeard Zetterbeard ✭✭✭✭✭
    Got a Begold
    Assimilated Janeway, Augment Picard, Interfaced Barclay.

    My brain said take Barclay
    But my heart said Picard.

    I would have said Janeway lol.
  • Honor and 1 useful set of schems from the community pull.
  • IkritIkrit ✭✭✭
    Got my 4th star for Lily Sloane, and the rest was honor/trash. I had been holding on to her for a while, and she kept coming up on voyages as the only crew with a certain pair of skills and a certain trait (like an Eng/Sec voyage with Communicator in a Dip slot). My plan was to vault her, but she may join a specific set of voyage-only crew, with Rianna Mayweather, Doctor La Forge, Changling Bashir, Command Hologram, and a couple others. As long as I have the space. Her voyage scores aren't too bad, as far as early 4*s go.
  • (HGH)Apollo(HGH)Apollo ✭✭✭✭✭
    Let’s fly!
  • 700 honor. Got 1,000 honor with the threshold pack.
  • I got an impersonation of the Event Pack - an outright drop of Tourist Quark (already FF/FE).

    Rest was honour/replicator fodder.
    Captain Bubble Bobble
  • 5 (!) purple beholds. Never had more than 3 before in one pull. But nothing useful, of course.
    1400 honor. I'm happy.
  • A begold in which I took Lore
  • Straight drop of immortal Arik Soong, 900 honour
    Most anticipated character not in the game: Mr. Homn
  • FINALLY! A begold with AoS Riker, Drunk Troi and Lt. Cmdr. Dax. I have Dax FF/FE and therefor chose Riker.
  • Dirk GundersonDirk Gunderson ✭✭✭✭✭
    It didn’t look like much until I got a pleasant surprise, a behold with the final star for Commander Nevesa:

  • DScottHewittDScottHewitt ✭✭✭✭✭
    NS111111 wrote: »
    Anyone get any goodies from the community pull?

    I lucked out and got two beholds - an FF fest of 4*s which went straight to honor, and then a rare legendary begold with a second star on Mobile Doctor an easy choice ahead of Klingon Janeway and Mirror Data, neither of whom are ever likely to besmirch my crew...

    I'm Slot Locked right now.......




    "The truth is like a lion; you don't have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself."
  • AldudeAldude ✭✭✭✭✭
    I got 2nd star on Prisoner O'Brien, and 700 honour.

    I look forward to my threshold pull
    Fleet Admiral of NCC UK Midlands."Leave any bigotry in your quarters. There's no room for it on the bridge." - J.T. Kirk, 2266
  • Started out with 5 schematics and 200 honor, ended with 3 straight begolds, landing hugh culber, Santa's robot and Tora ziyal! Best I've probably ever gotten.
  • PetrichorPetrichor ✭✭✭
    edited December 2018
    I got blowfish Phlox from a behold and got to fully fuse a couple of my 3* crew. So, great! Another 5* crew to take up a slot... smh.
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