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Bring Out Your Dead

5000 Quatloos5000 Quatloos ✭✭✭✭✭
edited December 2018 in The Bridge
Since it seems to be housecleaning month for event bonus characters (Chakotay, Wesley), here's my rundown of overdue/neglected characters (limited to those who have been featured characters in 2 or more past events and last featured more than 6 months ago):

Bashir (5 events under Bashir character, last Oct 2017; 9 events under Bashir or Augment, last Jun 2018)
Vedek Winn (3 events [???]) - 57 weeks
Mayweather (3) - 50 weeks
Janeway (10) - 49 weeks
Mudd (2) - 41 weeks
Neelix (4) - 39 weeks
Rom (2) - 38 weeks
McCoy (6) - 35 weeks
Tilly (2) - 29 weeks
Kim (5) - 28 weeks
Archer (2) - 28 weeks
Sisko (8) - 27 weeks
Khan (4) - 27 weeks

and relaxing the constraints above, I'd throw in Scotty (1) - 44 weeks because, REALLY?

Guessing we'll see Archer back up in a couple of weeks given the new 5*.

"I don't want to go on the cart!"
Accepted. Mark them, Galt.


  • Wildstar19Wildstar19 ✭✭✭✭
    "I'm not dead yet." "Yes you are, shut up!" "But I'm feeling better." "Be quiet." "I don't want to go on the cart."

    I have airlocked ALL versions of Mayweather, every time, which is alot of BMs and EMs, except for Mirror...bc they seem to run alot of mirror events, and he kinda looks cool in that one.

    I tend to keep the Janeways...the SF captains also seem to be a good idea to keep.

    Probably a good idea to hold on to Discovery characters, since its running and that should escalate the number of events they're in.

    Keep your Ferengi - for their collection. I keep any character in a collection generally.

    My 2 cents. ;)

    Hurry up before those things eat Guy!
  • PolPol ✭✭✭
    Also , it would be a shame if we dont have a new Scotty in the “Auld Lang Syne,” event
  • 5000 Quatloos5000 Quatloos ✭✭✭✭✭

    Bell Riots Bashir was added May 30, 2018 as a Mega event 5*.....been awhile yes, but not 60 weeks..............

    I didn’t count the single shot crew bonuses, only the character-wide bonuses ...
    Accepted. Mark them, Galt.
  • 5000 Quatloos5000 Quatloos ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited December 2018
    robownage wrote: »

    Bell Riots Bashir was added May 30, 2018 as a Mega event 5*.....been awhile yes, but not 60 weeks..............

    I didn’t count the single shot crew bonuses, only the character-wide bonuses ...

    But all versions of him were bonus crew for four events straight during the Augment mega...

    Ah - thanks! I had logged this under the Augment trait rather than the Bashir character, but the latter was subsumed in the former. Will amend and edit!
    Accepted. Mark them, Galt.
  • 5000 Quatloos5000 Quatloos ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited January 2019
    Updated list (cutoff is 26 weeks since last event in which the Character, not specific Crew or a Trait, were featured)

    Mayweather (3 events) - 55 weeks
    Janeway (10) - 54 weeks
    Mudd (2) - 46 weeks
    Neelix (4) - 44 weeks
    Rom (2) - 43 weeks
    McCoy (7)
    Tilly (2) - 34 weeks
    Kim (5) - 33 weeks
    Archer (3)
    Sisko (9)
    Khan (4) - 32 weeks
    O'Brien (5) - 29 weeks
    Bashir (6) - 28 weeks
    Uhura (5) - 28 weeks
    Chekov (3) - 28 weeks
    Jake (4) - 28 weeks
    Kira (10) - 27 weeks
    Torres (5) - 27 weeks
    Reed (5) - 27 weeks
    La Forge (8) - 26 weeks

    Experimental "Overdue factor" = (Weeks since last event) / (total events / # featured in):

    Janeway: 4.0
    Kira: 2.0
    Dax's: 1.7-1.9
    Geordi: 1.6
    Neelix: 1.3
    Bashir: 1.3
    Kim: 1.2
    Mayweather: 1.2
    O'Brien: 1.1
    Uhura: 1.1
    Torres: 1.0
    Reed: 1.0

    and for selected traits:

    Vulcan (7) - 37 weeks
    Klingon (7) - 34 weeks
    Ferengi (4) - 36 weeks
    Augment (4) - 29 weeks
    Section 31 (3) - 41 weeks

    Overdue factor, traits:

    (Discovery Crew) - 2.4
    Vulcan - 1.9
    Klingon - 1.8
    (Any Dax) - 1.5
    Changeling - 1.4
    Ferengi - 1.1
    Android - 0.9
    Section 31 - 0.9
    Augment - 0.9
    Accepted. Mark them, Galt.
  • AviTrekAviTrek ✭✭✭✭✭
    Wow, Janeway went from overused to longest drought rather quickly.
  • 5000 Quatloos5000 Quatloos ✭✭✭✭✭
    AviTrek wrote: »
    Wow, Janeway went from overused to longest drought rather quickly.

    I know :-( Train 'em up if you've got them :-)

    Arguably she got some credit during Captain's Oath, but I'm trying to stick to featured Character only, and not all Janeway's are Starfleet Captains.
    Accepted. Mark them, Galt.
  • 5000 Quatloos5000 Quatloos ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited January 2019
    Here's a merged list of the "event feature overdue factor" described above for Characters (not crew) or Traits. This might give ideas on where to prioritize short term crew training. The factor is essentially (Weeks Since Last Feature) / (Mean Time Between Features), with latter calculated over the full 3 years of the game.

    4.0 - Janeway
    2.4 - (Discovery Crew)
    2.0 - Kira
    1.9 - Vulcan
    1.8 - Klingon
    1.5-1.9 - (Any Dax)
    1.6 - La Forge
    1.4 - Changeling
    1.3 - Neelix
    1.3 - Bashir
    1.2 - Kim
    1.2 - Mayweather
    1.1 - Ferengi
    1.1 - O'Brien
    1.1 - Uhura
    1.0 - Torres
    1.0 - Reed
    0.9 - Android
    0.9 - Section 31
    0.9 - Augment

    Accepted. Mark them, Galt.
  • I must concur, Janeway needs to be featured again.
  • I must concur, Janeway needs to be featured again.

    It is time.
    “Holodeck 2 tomorrow, 1600 hours. Just you, me and a tuning fork”
  • 5000 Quatloos5000 Quatloos ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited January 2019
    Updated based on next week's announcement ...

    4.1 - Janeway
    2.4 - (Discovery Crew)
    2.1 - Kira
    2.0 - Vulcan
    1.8 - Klingon
    1.5-1.9 - (Any Dax)
    1.6 - La Forge
    1.4 - Changeling
    1.3 - Neelix
    1.3 - Bashir
    1.3 - Kim
    1.2 - Mayweather
    1.1 - Ferengi
    1.1 - O'Brien
    1.1 - Uhura
    1.1 - Torres
    1.0 - Reed
    1.0 - Garak
    1.0 - Khan
    0.9 - Android
    0.9 - Section 31
    0.9 - Augment
    0.9 - Worf
    0.9 - Jake
    0.9 - Yar
    Accepted. Mark them, Galt.
  • I must concur, Janeway needs to be featured again.

    It is time.

    And what better Janeway to do next than the one from the Year of Hell episode? I want to build some coffee and pocket watches.
  • 5000 Quatloos5000 Quatloos ✭✭✭✭✭
    Stock up on synthesized polymers :smiley:
    Accepted. Mark them, Galt.
  • Bylo BandBylo Band ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited January 2019
    It won't let me "Awesome" you latest post, so yeah.


    There it goes!
  • 5000 Quatloos5000 Quatloos ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited February 2019
    Updated "overdue list" based on next week's announcement:

    3.7 - Janeway
    2.4 - (Discovery Crew)
    2.1 - Vulcan
    2.1 - Changeling
    2.1 - Kira
    2.0 - Klingon
    1.5-1.9 - (Any Dax)
    1.8 - La Forge
    1.4 - Neelix
    1.4 - Bashir (or 2.8, if Bell Riots Bashir event not counted)
    1.4 - Kim
    1.3 - Mayweather
    1.2 - Augment
    1.2 - Ferengi
    1.2 - Uhura
    1.2 - Torres
    1.2 - Reed
    1.1 - O'Brien
    1.0 - Worf
    1.0 - Garak
    1.0 - Android
    1.0 - Jake
    1.0 - Yar
    0.9 - Mirror Universe
    0.9 - Tucker
    0.9 - Section 31
    Accepted. Mark them, Galt.
  • The thing is that we currently have over 156(3 crew a week × 52 weeks/year) unique characters.

    That means it is really only an issue if a main cast gets over 52 weeks.
  • 5000 Quatloos5000 Quatloos ✭✭✭✭✭
    The thing is that we currently have over 156(3 crew a week × 52 weeks/year) unique characters.

    That means it is really only an issue if a main cast gets over 52 weeks.

    Agreed ... I mostly use this just to help prioritize which crew to train first on the chance that they might be more likely to be featured soon ...
    Accepted. Mark them, Galt.
  • 5000 Quatloos5000 Quatloos ✭✭✭✭✭
    Updated "overdue list" based on next week's announcement:

    3.7 - Janeway
    2.4 - (Discovery Crew)
    2.2 - Vulcan
    2.2 - Kira (but got some love via Bajoran)
    2.1 - Changeling
    2.0 - Klingon
    1.5-1.9 - (Any Dax)
    1.9 - La Forge
    1.5 - Bashir (or 2.8, if Bell Riots Bashir event not counted)
    1.4 - Neelix
    1.4 - Kim (probably week after next)
    1.3 - Mayweather
    1.3 - Uhura
    1.3 - Augment
    1.2 - Ferengi
    1.2 - Torres
    1.2 - Reed
    1.1 - O'Brien
    1.0 - Worf
    1.0 - Garak
    1.0 - Android
    1.0 - Yar
    1.0 - Jake
    1.0 - Dukat
    1.0 - Tucker
    0.9 - Mirror Universe
    0.9 - Picard
    0.9 - Section 31
    Accepted. Mark them, Galt.
  • S31S31 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited March 2019
    April Mega-event Changeling Kira (actually Female Founder) as a recurring, La Forge, Bashir, changeling and Vulcans are in.

    Vulcans want secession fro The Federation because their leaders are replaced with changelings.

    Fake Kira leads Vulcan independent movement.

    Real Kira appears at the last event to stop the Changeling Kira.

    V'Las is also in it alongside changeling Romulan from season 3.
  • 5000 Quatloos5000 Quatloos ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited May 2019
    Updated "overdue list":

    2.6 - Vulcan (57 weeks)
    2.4 - Klingon (54 weeks)
    2.2 - Changeling (114 weeks)
    1.7 - Data (20 weeks)
    1.7 - Neelix (64 weeks)
    1.6 - Augment (49 weeks)
    1.5 - Uhura (48 weeks)
    1.5 - Reed (47 weeks)
    1.5 - Mayweather (75 weeks)
    1.4 - Ferengi (56 weeks)
    1.4 - Tasha Yar (42 weeks)
    1.3 - Mirror Universe (39 weeks)
    1.3 - Dukat (40 weeks)
    1.2 - Romulan (37 weeks)
    1.2 - Jake (48 weeks)
    1.2 - Deanna Troi (19 weeks)
    1.1 - Android (82 weeks)
    1.1 - Quark (25 weeks)
    Accepted. Mark them, Galt.
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