It's finally happen!

no more comment needed
"I am First Omet'iklan and i'm dead. As of this moment, we are all dead. We go into battle to reclaim our lives. This we do gladly, for we are Jem'Hadar. Remember: victory is life"
Joined: 11/2017
VIP-Level: 14
Fleet: [GER]StarFleet
Immortals total: 437; 23 Legendaries; 257 Super Rare; 79 Rare; 51 Uncommon; 27 Common
Collections: Rare; Uncommen; Common; Live Long and Prosper; Do no Harm; Chain of Command; The neutral Zone; Valor in Combat; The Daystrom Award; The Eugenic Wars; Rules of Aquisition
Joined: 11/2017
VIP-Level: 14
Fleet: [GER]StarFleet
Immortals total: 437; 23 Legendaries; 257 Super Rare; 79 Rare; 51 Uncommon; 27 Common
Collections: Rare; Uncommen; Common; Live Long and Prosper; Do no Harm; Chain of Command; The neutral Zone; Valor in Combat; The Daystrom Award; The Eugenic Wars; Rules of Aquisition
Do you have Klingon Quark yet?
For some reason, that gave me the second best laugh I have had all week.......
Klingon Quark was horrible to level. I still have nightmares.
Especially harder than Neelix or Tuvok at level 30.
~· Fly with the Subspace Eddies! ·~
And Doctor La Forge. It's at least better now than when they were released, with voyages supplying chrons and starbases providing extra replicator uses (and they made La Forge's items easier to make across the board, and some impossible-to-get items had their drop rates increased to only hard-to-get)
And Saint Attila raised the Captain Proton up on high, saying:
"O Lord, bless this thy Captain Proton that with it thou mayest finally immortalize, in thy mercy."
And the Lord did grin, and the people did feast upon the lambs and sloths and carp and anchovies and orangutans and breakfast cereals and fruit bats and large chu..,,,,,,,,
I'm glad. Klingon quark is all ready in the fridge. But Cyrus radblock is still on my list.
I couldn't say which one were my top 5 nightmare chars.
Joined: 11/2017
VIP-Level: 14
Fleet: [GER]StarFleet
Immortals total: 437; 23 Legendaries; 257 Super Rare; 79 Rare; 51 Uncommon; 27 Common
Collections: Rare; Uncommen; Common; Live Long and Prosper; Do no Harm; Chain of Command; The neutral Zone; Valor in Combat; The Daystrom Award; The Eugenic Wars; Rules of Aquisition
I meant, Tuvix at level 30.
So many replicator sacrifices for those 25 million ancient films he needed.
Who would try to level Tuvix?
Ironically, he's been my greatest source of ancient films! I got him to 100 and equipped everything except his final suit, and for months have used it to replicate over a hundred ancient films (and a dozen or two rare whiskeys) whenever I have replications to spare!