New Crew: Keep or Airlock?

in Ready Room
I want to conserve my crew slots but keep any crew worth keeping. I need more ENG, SCI, and MED skills (without sacrificing SEC), as those seem to be lacking in my crew lists, and I want to hit the 6-hour mark on Voyages.
Below is a list of crew I kept from some packs I opened, and I ordered their skills in strength from greatest to least. Let me know which I should keep, and which I should airlock. Thanks for your help, LLAP.
I appreciate any advice y'all have. Happy New Year, and LLAP!
Below is a list of crew I kept from some packs I opened, and I ordered their skills in strength from greatest to least. Let me know which I should keep, and which I should airlock. Thanks for your help, LLAP.
- The President of the Earth (lvl 4) (2/4 *)— 73 DIP, 47 MED, 25 CMD
- Commander T'Pol (lvl 4) (1/4 *) — 64 SCI, 44 CMD, 24 SEC
- Arik Soong (1/4*) — 61 SCI, 44 MED, 24 CMD
- Lore (lvl 10) (1/4*) — 76 ENG, 48 DIP, 26 SCI
- Lily Sloane (lvl 30) (1/4*) — 129 ENG, 87 DIP, 45 SEC
- Mirror Archer (lvl 50) (1/4*) — 197 CMD, 128 SEC, 60 ENG
- Mirror Empress Sato (lvl 40) (1/4*) — 180 DIP, 131 SEC, 55 CMD
- Commander Chapel (lvl 34) (1/4*) — 142 SCI, 98 MED, 44 DIP
- Friar Tuck Data (lvl 30) (1/4*) — 128 SEC, 104 DIP, 34 ENG
- Apollo (lvl 20) (2/4*) — 106 MED, 81 DIP, 40 CMD
- Lieutenant Valeris (lvl 20) (2/4*) — 99 SEC, 74 SCI, 34 CMD
- Edith Keeler (lvl 20) (2/4*) — 106 MED, 86 DIP
- Galen (lvl 20) (2/4*) — 102 SCI, 79 SEC, 57 DIP
- Augment Riker (lvl 10) (1/4*)— 77 ENG, 52 SEC, 28 CMD
- Klingon O'Brien (1/4*) — 62 DIP, 45 ENG, 24 SEC
- Captain Q (1/4*) — 54 DIP, 41 SCI, 41 CMD
- Warship Yar (1/4*) — 53 SEC, 22 CMD
- Danara Pel (1/4*) — 56 MED, 45 SCI
- Prospero Data (1/4*) — 54 DIP, 44 ENG, 22 CMD
- Mirror Mayweather (1/4*) — 61 SEC, 44 END, 22 CMD
- Mirror Garak (1/4*) — 62 DIP, 42 CMD, 23 SEC
- Maquis Ro Lauren (1/4*) — 61 SEC, 44 CMD, 22 DIP
- Time Loop Mudd (1/4*) — 60 ENG, 44 SEC, 22 DIP
- RAF Julian Bashir (1/4*) — 62 MED, 45 SEC
- Automated Unit 3947 (1/4*) — 56 ENG, 44 SCI, 22 SEC
I appreciate any advice y'all have. Happy New Year, and LLAP!
Just a quick reply ... keep in BOLD at least ... but haven't really gone through the list well.
Remember ... Danara Pel is part of a Galaxy event, so you will get one copy through the community ... even if she is ranked you only need 2 more copies of her ... if she is threshold you'll have her immortal (and frozen) by event's end.
You've got till Thursday to level her, so can wait until Wednesday's event notice ... but I'd try to FE her before the event starts, she'll be handy for sure.
You might want to scroll down to the Super Rare/4-star section of the Big Book of Behold Advice ( to get some ideas of what crew might be worth keeping. It only lists crew in the portal, but if all of these are from packs as you indicated, everyone should be in there. You also could check out the Spreadsheet ( to get an idea of your options' Voyage points (and other numbers).
Given that Pel likely (given that Chakotay was the threshold last time, reruns seem to usually have the "other" 4-star as the threshold) will be the threshold for this week's rerun event Plague of Plagues, she's worth keeping, as she'd be 4/4 if you can hit all 3 threshold copies. Even though she's a shuttle spot that's unlikely to get events, she is in the Physician collection.
Here are a few thoughts on some of the crew (all rankings are just among 4 stars unless otherwise noted):
Especially at 2/4, the President of Earth is worth keeping, even if MED is only secondary. Top 100 of SR Voyagers in terms of total points, plus a common event character. Similar argument for Prospero (ENG as secondary instead of MED, obviously), though he's only at 1/4.
Friar Tuck Data doesn't fit your stat needs, but he's top 15 in terms of total Voyage points among 4 stars and is a common event character. Like PoE, he's in a vanity collection, too.
Apollo is 2/4, a top 100 Voyager among 4-stars and a MED primary.
Valeris is one of the best Gauntlet crew characters, #36 overall in terms of total points and #1 for Super Rares. Here Voyage numbers are outside the top 100 even among Super Rares, so she won't help quite as much in what seems to be your primary focus.
RAF Bashir is a pretty good Super Rare crew (the aforementioned Big Book has him in Tier 3) but won't help much with Voyages as a 2-skiller. I would still keep him for MED shuttles and event work.
Arik Soong has two of the stats you need, but his Voyage numbers are around #150 for 4 stars. Other potential droppables are Maquis Ro (good numbers but none of the three skills you listed), Mirror Garak (mediocre numbers with that CMD/DIP/SEC skill set) and Warship Yar (mediocre numbers and a 2-skiller who won't help with Voyages).
I know you've invested some resources in him, but that Archer is not very good. ENG is only tertiary and Voyage numbers are outside the top 150 for 4-stars. Might have some value if he keeps getting in events, but that doesn't help with everyday Voyages.
Regarding your list.
RAF Bashir definitely keep for a number of reasons useful for arena, good shuttle base for a purple and you said you need to improve med... and part of 3 collections
I would keep hold of your 2/4s as they are a step closer to being FF plus they will be of more use if/when you level them. So that means keep President, Apollo, Galen, Valeris and Keeler (although if the time comes Keeler would be next on the chopping block if you have exhausted 1/4 avenues.
Next any Data - both Friar Tuck and prospero will be really handy for Data events good base scores and excellent voyage scores (for purples).
Klingon O'Brien was a good early days mainstay in my voyage crew again good voyage score and will give some good ENG support as would Time Loop Mudd, and lastly Mirror Mayweather I think has a good voyage score and can also be useful in Arena.
I think the rest are pretty passable unless you get more stars on them.
For what it's worth, Klingon O'Brien was wonderful for me when I was new. I felt a little sad when I had to freeze him.
Crew to keep:
Prospero Data-Level him and love him as we all do.
Friar Tuck Data-Same as above. The'll both serve you well
President of Earth-3 collections and strong voyage #'s
Klingon O'Brien-good Eng and voyage numbers
Mirror Mayweather-great Sec base and good voyage #'s
RAF Julian Bashir-3 collections and Med/Sec
Valeris-level her if you need a 4* gauntlet powerhouse
Apollo-Med primary, good voyage #'s and you have 2*'s
Crew to consider:
Galen-He's Picard, has 2*'s and a Sci/Sec combo
Augment Riker-keep only for the 2 collections
Warship Yar-Great Sec #'s and good in the arena
As far as cracking the 6hr mark:
Make sure that all stats are over 2000.
Max your gold and silver stats as much as possible.
Try to reach a combined total of 20,000 stat points.
Don't worry about having equal numbers in all the stats, its better to min/max the numbers, emphasizing the primary ones.
I'm at the cusp of cracking 8hrs. myself. Done it twice, and I routienly have the primary skills up around 7500-9000 and usually at least one skill, sometimes two, that lag in the low 2000's. With total stat numbers around 30k. Depending on other antimatter bonuses this usually let's me voyage 7+ hours.
Hope this helps.
Possible KEEP
- Maquis Ro Laren - her event (Alpha & Omega) is the next in line for a Faction event to be re-run.
My gut says that this is a good option for the next event to be re-run just prior to the next mega, we just had a Galaxy re-run between two Faction events (I figure the unknown events prior to a re-run would be Skirmish and Hybrid) ... she's not great, but if you have a chance to FF her through an event, why not ... you'll have to decide if you can make it to 3 copies of her is she was Rank reward (above 2000).
(Small print/Caveat: Unless they run Season of Love a third time ...)
EDIT: No, Endgame looks like a good fit (a Galaxy event) ... that means keep Captain Q.