Premium 10x pull question
in The Bridge
After you get first slot superrare character is it possible to get anything else like another superrare or behold or begold?
I've never seen a pull where first slot is SR and then you get something other than schematics and 3* crew.
I've never seen a pull where first slot is SR and then you get something other than schematics and 3* crew.
The Normal 10x premium packs are drawn and then sorted before being displayed so all beholds are at the end and if no behold was drawn a purple is added to the first slot.
It’s how they have the guarantee mechanic work (if none of the first 9 cards chosen (not on screen, but on the server) are beholds it drops a purple in, but displays the purple first.
Thanx for the breakdown of how it works.
That's very helpful, as it implies each pull is truly independent, rather than within-pack dependencies. Thanks!