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Plague of Plagues: Can't add specialist crew to one recipe

Specifically "Preservation Protocols", the middle recipe for "A Ticking Clock". When I push on the plus the crew selection menu does not appear (in fact, nothing happens). I tried restarting the client I still can't select a crew.



  • Having the same issue g47ujm79yn98.png
  • Same here.
  • Legate Damar Legate Damar ✭✭✭✭✭

  • I have an issue with the same build although slightly different, it pre selects crew for me. At first I thought it wasn't a bad thing as it selected the best crew for the build but I've done the mission about 10 times now and found that the middle build on the 'A ticking clock' mission doesn't give rare rewards and doesn't add the 5% boost to the next build.
  • 5000 Quatloos5000 Quatloos ✭✭✭✭✭
    It's a horribly costly mission. You should leave it stuck anyway :-)
    Accepted. Mark them, Galt.
  • Legate Damar Legate Damar ✭✭✭✭✭
    I have an issue with the same build although slightly different, it pre selects crew for me. At first I thought it wasn't a bad thing as it selected the best crew for the build but I've done the mission about 10 times now and found that the middle build on the 'A ticking clock' mission doesn't give rare rewards and doesn't add the 5% boost to the next build.

    I’m seeing the same thing, it preselects a character. It seems the best bonus so I’ll go with it.
  • I have an issue with the same build although slightly different, it pre selects crew for me. At first I thought it wasn't a bad thing as it selected the best crew for the build but I've done the mission about 10 times now and found that the middle build on the 'A ticking clock' mission doesn't give rare rewards and doesn't add the 5% boost to the next build.

    I’m seeing the same thing, it preselects a character. It seems the best bonus so I’ll go with it.

    The down side is that it doesn't drop rare rewards and it wipes out any bonus you have built up from previously not getting a rare reward. So if you do the glitched build make sure to only do it after you just got a rare reward, other wise you lose your bonus and get nothing for it.
  • [7TW] UnkieB[7TW] UnkieB ✭✭✭✭✭
    I have an issue with the same build although slightly different, it pre selects crew for me. At first I thought it wasn't a bad thing as it selected the best crew for the build but I've done the mission about 10 times now and found that the middle build on the 'A ticking clock' mission doesn't give rare rewards and doesn't add the 5% boost to the next build.

    I’m seeing the same thing, it preselects a character. It seems the best bonus so I’ll go with it.

    It preselects the crew you used in your last build. Whether that’s the best crew depends on what you just built and who you used to build it. Also you won’t get the rare no matter what from what I recall the last time they had this problem.
  • Legate Damar Legate Damar ✭✭✭✭✭
    I decided about 30 minutes ago to just ignore that build due to not getting the rare.
  • I've seen the exact same behavior as have many other members of my fleet.
    Admiral of the Inner Planets Alliance fleets
  • Got the same problem here, even if I add bonus crew it gives me a 0% chance of a rare reward. It has cost me loads of rare rewards by now

  • I was having a problem for a while where it didn't populate the specialist crew at all and even after multiple reboots of the game, wouldn't let me play that mission. It's been haphazard returning to that and also letting me play, even though there is 0% chance of the rare reward.
    Admiral of the Inner Planets Alliance fleets
  • I've had the autofill and it hasn't given a bonus item yet. I tried to clear him just to try to reset it and it wouldn't let me re-add anyone (not even bringing up the people options). Had to leave the event completely to get it back, and it autofilled again.
  • DavideBooksDavideBooks ✭✭✭✭✭
    Thanks. I hadn't noticed because that is one of the builds I chose to skip. I'm glad I chose to skip that one, now.
  • ACEACE ✭✭✭
    Same here.
  • Mine autofills as well, with EMA. since he is FE and 4*, I don't mind.
  • The problem, even with that 4* EMA autofilling, is that no bonus item ever drops with that situation.
    Admiral of the Inner Planets Alliance fleets
  • PenguinJimPenguinJim ✭✭✭✭✭
    The last time this happened, they gave out a number of the super-rare item to players based on how many times they'd run the bugged recipe.

    Will that happen again this time, Shan? Or do we need to stop playing until it is fixed?
  • DavideBooksDavideBooks ✭✭✭✭✭
    PenguinJim wrote: »
    The last time this happened, they gave out a number of the super-rare item to players based on how many times they'd run the bugged recipe.

    Will that happen again this time, Shan? Or do we need to stop playing until it is fixed?

    You don't have to play that mission. Just do the others. That one is more expensive, anyway.
  • PenguinJimPenguinJim ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited January 2019
    PenguinJim wrote: »
    The last time this happened, they gave out a number of the super-rare item to players based on how many times they'd run the bugged recipe.

    Will that happen again this time, Shan? Or do we need to stop playing until it is fixed?

    You don't have to play that mission. Just do the others. That one is more expensive, anyway.

    Not for me it isn't. I have over 50 of every item for that recipe, so I'd generate 50,000VP from it without counting super-rares, plus VP from four other 50+-item-missions on rotation, meaning 250,000VP + super-rares without needing a single chron.
  • I didn't have this problem the first few times I did that recipe, but it kicked in a few hours ago. I think it started happening when I assigned someone to the task and then tapped an item to get the source missions list instead of finishing the task.
  • I'm having all of these problems, the pre-selected specialist, the inability to choose a replacement at all, the dropped reward on the glitched mission, and then my game just freezing when I tried to claim rewards.
  • I'm having problems where the crew is already selected for me when I can't chose the crew that I want.

    I hope DB rewards with some explanation and some sorry-tons.
  • The middle slot is completely broken ... the old multi-build bug is back for just that slot but without the bonus of multiple rares.

    I'd echo PenguinJim, this impacts those of us who have prefarmed inventory across all recipes.
    Officer - Second Star to the Right
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  • Shy KhanShy Khan ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited January 2019
    The “Ticking Clock” build in this event at first was autofilling the crew slot, then after I cleared it, has frozen and won’t allow the slot to be filled and the build completed. I’ve tried restarting the app several times.


    Come join the Steeler Nation Fleet!
  • What the hell is going on at DB recently?
  • Emperor Borg Drone (SC)Emperor Borg Drone (SC) ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited January 2019
    I wasn't able to remove Warship Chakotay from the crew slot (which is ok, he was my best choice for it anyway) but I also noticed that this missions doesn't give any rare rewards and it doesn't give any bonus % for the next item either.

    For me, it only appeared once or twice during the first phase, but I had quite a lot of them in the second one and it became annoying.
  • I also get no % for rare reward
  • BekkaBekka ✭✭✭
    Mine doesn't bring the bonus crew to the top and also does not give a % for bonus, no matter what crew is put in there.
  • My ticking clock mission is frozen too, cant select crew
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