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Major Galaxy event bug

I was busy working at the event and suddenly this happens:


The game had crafted the maximum number possible of that particular item. It cost me 210x 0* Isolinear Chips, 105x 1* Power Cell, 105x 1* Neutron Microscope, and 105x 0* Flux Coupler. It is NOT NORMALLY POSSIBLE to craft more than one of an event item. If you already have one, the game prevents another from being crafted, probably for this specific reason.

The loss of these items is calculated at about 1500 chrons using Wiki data.

There is NO WAY that I can use all of these event items before the event is over so all of the materials will have gone to waste. That particular item has been acting strangely all event for me. When crafting it, I'd get the crafting animation you normally see with equipment (all of the components move one by one into the center) which is normally absent in crafting event items. Also, Warship Chakotay was always automatically slotted for that item without me having to select him. I've already submitted a ticket for compensation, but this bug should be fixed.


  • I should add that I closed the game on one device and had 1 of those already built. When I opened the game on a different device, boom. 105 of them.
  • Paladin 27Paladin 27 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I'd seen people with 2-5 of these built and I think I got 3 at once, but I was tapping when that happened.

    To think it can just keep building by itself repeatedly like this is pretty crazy.
  • This has happened to me too.

    I would hope for a blanket compensation of around 2000 chronitons.

    Recent experience tells me not to hope. Therefore I've taken screenshots and would advise everyone else affected too.

    Then play CS lottery at event end
  • Weird things happening with that item...

    Middle item only, EMA is ALWAYS preselected (with 97% chance) and yet I have NEVER received the rare reward for that build. If I deselect the EMA, I CANNOT put another crew member in his place?

    Another one of my fleetmates has noticed problems with this item...


    Three successive screenshots - 1st has my EMA already selected for the job, 2nd is me removing the EMA and the last one shows the system's refusal to allow me to choose another crew!

  • Restarted the game, but now the whole item is locked.
    I cannot input ANY crew into the slot now.
    That means a high returning item is now locked from my game?
    This is the image I get now after restarting the game...
  • *Nomad* {PoF}*Nomad* {PoF} ✭✭✭✭✭
    DB Response: "Thank you for your report. After investigation we have concluded this is "user error" and not a system issue." >:):p
    Founding ADM - PoF family of fleets (POF, POF2 & POF3) - Dear TP: Non sequitur. Your facts are uncoordinated.
  • Dirk GundersonDirk Gunderson ✭✭✭✭✭
    DB Response: "Thank you for your report. After investigation we have concluded this is "user error" and not a system issue." >:):p

    Wow...I don’t know what to say. What’s the point of having a CS department if they’re going to avoid having to do any work in this manner?
  • *Nomad* {PoF}*Nomad* {PoF} ✭✭✭✭✭
    DB Response: "Thank you for your report. After investigation we have concluded this is "user error" and not a system issue." >:):p

    Wow...I don’t know what to say. What’s the point of having a CS department if they’re going to avoid having to do any work in this manner?

    Sorry: To be clear, that is NOT a response I received as I didn't even file a ticket. Just trying to be funny, although it would not surprise me if someone got one like that!
    Founding ADM - PoF family of fleets (POF, POF2 & POF3) - Dear TP: Non sequitur. Your facts are uncoordinated.
  • Shan commented in a nother thread that they are aware of the problem, will not fix it this late, ans mike make a decision tomorrow on compensation.
  • I think DB will provide some compensation for the hassles that most of us have seen. I say that based upon their track record. I have been compensated even when I wasn't even being competitive in an event. I expect we will get something either today or tomorrow.
  • <TGE> Darxide<TGE> Darxide ✭✭✭✭
    edited January 2019

    I didn't sit there and tap to build 105 of these. I built ONE. Closed my game. Opened it on a different device. Suddenly had 105.

    I had been sitting at my computer doing it on Steam because Steam is a lot less laggy than my iPad. My aѕѕ started hurting from sitting in my chair for so long so I closed the game to move to my iPad so I could lie in bed and watch Netflix while I mindlessly tapped. It's ENTIRELY POSSIBLE that I closed the Steam client while the item was in the middle of the building animation (that shouldn't exist for galaxy items) and that somehow ended up endlessly crafting until it ran out of Flux Couplers. Luckily, I only had 105 of those. I have THOUSANDS of the other items in the recipe. I was not willing to test the "closed client while building" hypothesis any further. DB can do that. I'm not risking my hard earned inventory over this.

    Using the average numbers on the Wiki, I lost 4242 chrons worth of items. I asked DB for 5000 chrons to cover my losses and my time. I should have asked for more. This is stupid enough to warrant more.
  • i agree Darxide,
    i just saw DBs idea of compensation, slap in the face much
    its down right insulting, i am doing every thing i can not to be in a cussing rage.
    it shows how much DB thinks of us,
    this entire event blows major chunks and should heave been flushed.
    DB needs to fire the Ferrengi and higher more Engineers, Rom doesn't count.
    [FSC] Peace Keepers
    Gryphon [****] Adm
  • <TGE> Darxide<TGE> Darxide ✭✭✭✭
    edited January 2019
    The 500 chrons they sent were, in their words, because the item "couldn't be built" which is the opposite of the actual problem. I think DB has a fundamental misunderstanding of their own game and of our complaints. It's as simple as that. They will compensate me for what I lost. That's just a fact.
  • Agree with you completely Darxide. I have tried to articulate this problem on the thread "Plague of Plagues" in The Bridge but have met with misunderstanding and/or hostility of the issue and the gripes I have with it.

    At the end of the day it's bug after bug on these events. But to be honest it's not worth my headspace playing CS lottery. I will take the 500 chronitons and ensure I do not spend anything on this game until Quality Assurance improves.
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