Bad UI changes for most recent update

For some reason the most recent update has made the UI look far uglier all around the game. Things seem almost zoomed in. Crew on the crew screen interfere with the level bar where they didn't before and the general look of everything looks blurrier now. I'm on Samsung Galaxy Note 8 and here are a couple samples

Showing my chrons instead of available cadet tickets
the problem is obvious.
That’s how it’s looked on iPhone X and newer for a long time now. Unfortunately I think many of these issues will be ignored.
Having that second issue on my Pixel 2 as well.
what's going on here?
Second issue on my S9+ as well...
I get the same thing on iOS, sorting by the skill doesn’t work.
Crew sorting is broken. It is in reverse alphabetical order instead of by skill. Playing IOS version 7.0.9.
To be truthful, I didn't mind the old one's small letters on the shuttle success/failure reward screen, since it had depth. This depth is missing in the crew manifest (it's easier to account 9 people's faces than it is to account 6). Selecting crew for a mission also seems a good change, though, since scrolling down a big list searching for a trait is more confusing than simply typing it away.
Also, big buttons. Too big buttons. Argh.
Related question (wink wink): Could it be possible to let players size their own manifestos with preset, well, sizes?
ETA: There's no way this is intentional
However, many other page on my tablet seems to have been designed for a tiny screen because there is more empty space than used space. See my screenshots below, all taken from my iPad Air. Notice the difference between UI pages that make use of the whole screen and others that do not but should.
The Good:
The Ok:
The Squished:
Furthermore, the "Mission Success" page seems to be missing TONS of info that existed prior. But I don't expect any of this fixed. The "Great Squishing" began over a year ago starting with the Inventory screen. We've been asking DB to do something about it all this time and nothing. They don't care one bit.
At least yours still shows crew Traits listed on mini-card. Mine doesn't anymore. Just skills, portrait, and name.
Not what i'm talking abdout. the crew badge are stretched as h*ll. Why arent the cube badges used here instead?
But in this case - it does. Can we please go back to the old UI? It was far from perfect, but was certainly more useful than the new one.
That's been DB's philosophy on UI updates. Every time they mess with the UI they take one step forward, three steps back. Every. Single. Time. They've never gotten it right. And what's worse, they never fix those three steps back. The steps forward are usually really good, though, and that's a shame because it just makes the steps back that much more of an issue.
One more thing I want to throw out there (again) is the search function. It ѕuckѕ. I'm trying to unfreeze my Lore for the event. Guess what happens when I type "Lore" into the search box. It's filled up with anyone with the "expLOREer" trait. That's fun. Here's another exercise in frustration. Try searching for Q.
You are still gaining it but it is not displayed. Hopefully this will be fixed soon.
Please, please, pretty please at least give us options to switch between the previous much better resolution and then the one we have now, tossing it in settings so that people can choose would be great... I just desperately need this UI back to 2 days ago status
I suspect the changes in this release to support the wider screens on newer Samsung and other devices haven't been properly applied/tested throughout the game, leading to the resolution and sizing issues we're seeing in specific parts of the UI.