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B-4 Emotion Chip Challenged?

at level 66 B-4 requires a 4* emotion chip...
but then he gets less emotional at level 83 with only a 3* chip?

perhaps these are swapped?


  • B-4 has an emotion chip? B-4 was a prototype before data. The chip wasn't even finished. And the 1 exisiting one, was fused to data's positronic brain.
  • <TGE> Clifford<TGE> Clifford ✭✭✭✭✭
    B-4 has an emotion chip? B-4 was a prototype before data. The chip wasn't even finished. And the 1 exisiting one, was fused to data's positronic brain.

    welp, sounds like business as usual over at DB.
  • Data uploaded everything to B-4 didn't he? And he ceased to operate. Is it possible the chip was removed from Data's brain? His desire was to B-4 to be good. ( this is how I remember anyway)
  • Cranky (SC) Cranky (SC) ✭✭✭✭✭
    Data uploaded everything to B-4 didn't he? And he ceased to operate. Is it possible the chip was removed from Data's brain? His desire was to B-4 to be good. ( this is how I remember anyway)

    They made a big point about the chip being fused into his brain in Generations, so Data couldn’t escape emotions and was forced to deal with them despite feeling despair, guilt, fear etc.

    However in First Contact he had the ability to deactivate it at will. Something I disliked about that film.

    Could it be removed and given to B-4? Plausible. But it’s not canon, just like the stories where Data is eventually reborn in B-4 (http://memory-beta.wikia.com/wiki/B-4).

    That been said, DB don’t always stick to canon, so they can basically do whatever they want with the franchise as long as CBS/Paramount sign off on certain things.
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