Faction Event Played Without Kickstart or Timeboosts Used.

I am a top 1k player. By my definition, a top 1k player can finish any event in the top 1000 that they choose to do so.
This event did not look appealing to me and I wanted to restock on 3* timeboosts, so I decided on using it as a little experiment.
For some parameters, I did not set timers or sacrifice sleep. I did not use any doubler chest boosts and I was diligent with maintaining shuttles during the day.
How well can someone place in a pure faction event without the use of the kickstart or timeboosts?

Did not make it to the end of thresholds.

I had nine 4k shuttles fail throughout the event. I consider a portion of that bad RNG since all of my shuttles were over 90%
I also did not reach the 4k shuttles until Saturday. That was really boring.
In doing this, I confirmed a couple of things.
1: Any player who is unaware of the kickstart has virtually no chance of competing (but we all already knew that). I feel terrible for any players that don't know how to kickstart.
2: It is possible to clear the new thresholds without the use of the kickstart and timeboosts, providing none of your shuttles fail or you forego sleep for a weekend.
Now since that is over, I will be competing for Braxton this week
This event did not look appealing to me and I wanted to restock on 3* timeboosts, so I decided on using it as a little experiment.
For some parameters, I did not set timers or sacrifice sleep. I did not use any doubler chest boosts and I was diligent with maintaining shuttles during the day.
How well can someone place in a pure faction event without the use of the kickstart or timeboosts?

Did not make it to the end of thresholds.

I had nine 4k shuttles fail throughout the event. I consider a portion of that bad RNG since all of my shuttles were over 90%
I also did not reach the 4k shuttles until Saturday. That was really boring.
In doing this, I confirmed a couple of things.
1: Any player who is unaware of the kickstart has virtually no chance of competing (but we all already knew that). I feel terrible for any players that don't know how to kickstart.
2: It is possible to clear the new thresholds without the use of the kickstart and timeboosts, providing none of your shuttles fail or you forego sleep for a weekend.
Now since that is over, I will be competing for Braxton this week

I finished somewhere in the 500s.
But yes, I agree. Anyone who doesn’t know about the quickstart and/or the use of rental shuttles is pretty screwed.
Regardless of what the max per faction is, open as many as you can per faction... open them all
There are more advanced ways of doing this that eat more (and different rarities) of boosts but this is the base kickstart you should always do to get you at a high VP shuttle from the start
Perhaps there needs to be a guide somewhere...I’ve seen many different variations (some of which is caused by the varying number of total missions per faction) and am not sure which is the best for any given situation. I opened all missions, ran the same two until they got to the three hour duration, then ran the rest. This worked flawlessly over the past few events but seemed to not work as well this time around. Then again, with using less than a dozen 3* time boosts and one or two reward doublers plus only one additional set of overnight shuttles (I was tossing and turning at 3:30 this morning and decided to use it to my advantage), I cleared all thresholds by about 17k points. Maybe it did work out after all?
I launch all my shuttles.
I execute all my shuttles (four at a time, completing the 1 min missions)
I launch 4 shuttles and use what available time boosts I have. (Rinse and repeat, as work permits) Minimum is every 1.5 hours, if I'm lucky.
Drive to the pub
Retrieve the latest round of shuttles as I'm consuming my first tasty adult beverage. By this time in the mid 2000s neighborhood.
Launch another round of 4 shuttles at a 1.5 time boost, hopefully 8 hours into the event I'm retrieving that round and I've had 90 minutes of solid play time to run through Cadet Challenges and gathering as many boost packs as possible. (Also collecting rewards for the first time and spending newly acquired chrons on the new purple card.) [And I'm on beverage #3]
Hopefully, I have some 4* or 5* time boosts collected. And play those. That's enough time for a few more drinks.
Rinse and Repeat until I stumble home.
Hopefully, the round of shuttles before I go to bed is in the 4000 neighborhood. Run 4 (and if I have the crew to staff with using a 3* skill boost, if needed, run a rental [or two])
Wake Up whenever, But in 6 hours I have to go to work.
But even if all does not go according to plan, I'm in the 4000 neighborhood by morning.
And doing the above, I was <1000 Rank after getting into the 2000 neighborhood, this last event. With no Dil spent. With timely shuttle runs (I did use Rentals as long as I had them) I maintained the under 1000 ranking. [timely = not ever 3 hours, but in 8 hours or so, I ran two sorties]
While its not the best, or most effective, at least my method involves alcohol...
I know that running 2 of the new 11 with 3* boosts, then opening 2 and running both of those with 4* boosts, then doing the rest as per my guide with the 3* boosts does get you a bit higher shuttles but for the sake of ease I just went with the basic guide
I don't like burning 4* boosts unless I have to anyway though
Ended up top ten, feeling like a similar effort would have gotten me top 5 a few months ago.
Also not interested at all in repeating the experience. (One of my autofill options for that last word was “expense,” which would also work.)
But, if not using kickstart, forget being able to do anything on Thursday.
Time constraints are bad when not using kickstart. Use of time boosts below 3* will happen . But to get maximize effect, not many uses will lead to immediate return of shuttles to be sent out again.
Looks like we need to discuss squad rotations, my squad got me about 5k on the back of an immortal Assimilated Hawk 😂
Let me disagree a little on this, here what makes the difference is using or not using Dilithium to hurry your Missions, I am really near every faction event event, I neves wake up during sleep with an alarm, and I did use most of my 3* time boosters and rented 2 shuttles at most, I did not use any double the prize boost, I did kickstarted the event, but in the end I finished outside top 1k, around 1,3k positions.
I juuust made it to 350,000. The rank was around 2200. During the game's first year of events it would be rank 200. Yet the ranked rewards remain the same (insert laughing emoji).
Again, my method has more alcohol.
1. Open all missions. 2. Run all missions. 3. Use time boosts the rest of the way
Add booze, this helps
And even if it doesn't, you wont care!
What was the question?
Interestingly I did more or less the same thing for this event. I finished just shy of the final reward (the 10 pack) I think it was about position 2200 or so - but I can't quite remember. At 2 hrs to go I realised that sending off 4 shuttles with time reducers would get me that final reward - but I just couldn't be bothered.
This is my pattern. Previous Fraction Event, I was able to get to 4k Shuttles before bedtime. Of course, I have free time right now.........
Awww too bad, you missed out on a 9 schematic with a straight drop of klingon neelix pull, gosh darnit!!!
Failed maybe more. Missed three or four windows to sleep. But used my saved time boosts so maybe made up for missed cycles. Crossed 350k the night of Sunday around 12. Then let it go. Ended 1660 could have easily made 1250 with around 400k
Almost, but your numbers don't quite add up.
1) Open 24 missions.
2) Complete 11 missions. There are now 13 missions left over. Let's call these Batch 1.
3) Open 11 new missions. Let's call these Batch 2.
4) Complete 1 mission from Batch 2 with a 3* time boost. You've now completed a total of 12.
5) Open 1 new mission (it will be the same one you just completed!)
6) Complete the mission you just opened with 1 4* time boost. You've now completed a total of 13.
7) Complete the rest of the Batch 2 missions (10 left) with 3* time boosts. They will complete immediately despite what the UI says. You've now completed a total of 23.
8) Finish the remaining 13 Batch 1 missions; they'll be 1 minute each, despite what the UI says.
Now you've completed 36 missions, using 11 3* time boosts, 1 4* time boost, and ~20 minutes of real-life time. 4 more missions and you'll be earning 4k for a successful shuttle.