Guess the Convergence Day Offers

in The Bridge
I've never had a Convergence Day before, so I'm wondering what kind of offers we think there'll be in the portal later. I know Seven in Silver will be available, some in my fleet are hoping for a slot sale too (but not as hopeful now we can freeze cadets)
There were some interesting variances over the festive period, I'm wondering if we'll see similar to special honor packs or if there's something new up DBs sleeve
There were some interesting variances over the festive period, I'm wondering if we'll see similar to special honor packs or if there's something new up DBs sleeve
Ten Forward Loungers - Give Your Best, Get Our Best!
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Check out our website to find out more:
5 free crew slots
Cheesecake Seven as part of the tuesday packs
Check out our website to find out more:
Double the chron cost per mission, reduction of ten crew slots across the board, $199 sail the starry skies or dilithium overload offer.
My personal preference? Crew slots and a bundle of 4* citations.
~· Fly with the Subspace Eddies! ·~
- A decent amount of Honor (say 20+k);
- 5* citation(s);
- 4* citation(s).
I just hope that we don't get the standard Chroniton dump ... I still have a "Anniversary Event Notes are live!" communication in my inbox from 10.i.18 with 500 Chronitons attached to it ... those things just gather dust.
Crew slot sale
Pack special of some kind with free packs available from the event in thresholds
It will occur at noon EST. About 3 hours from now. Or sometime close to that.
Usually offers like this occur around 5pm UK time.
I'd hold off on your ticket until then.
Not quite the end of January 15 yet
Seven in Silver is not available yet, she will be made available later today and we will let everyone know once she is live.
Just for clarification: the splash screen that comes up when logging into the app states pretty unequivocally that Seven in Silver will be made available at noon. Is that no longer the case?
Privileged to be Admiral of the Great Fleet
Dilithium Causes Cancer, maxed Starbase level 134
Featuring photonic flee free holodecks and
All you can drink Neelix's Even Better Than Coffee Substitute!
Mmmmmgaahhh citations
SAM: Uh, my watch stopped.
That's good. I don't want a dead Seven.
That is still the plan, yes.
Cheesecake Doctor Seven featured in the Tuesday Premium Portal Pack.
Borg Faction goes live.
New Avatar. Spot most popular prediction.
Perhaps Crew Slot Cap increase, and some free Slots. Discount Slot Sale with that.
I can't remember where, maybe the Seven in Silver discussion, but @jazzriker {IIRC} STRONGLY implied Cheesecake looms..........
Privileged to be Admiral of the Great Fleet
Dilithium Causes Cancer, maxed Starbase level 134
Featuring photonic flee free holodecks and
All you can drink Neelix's Even Better Than Coffee Substitute!
For clarification: NOT a "Rolling Release" when it is Noon where a player lives.
I thought about editing my post to add “EST” but didn’t...oh well. *shrug*
Don't forget Troi is also in this event... so a reduced price on her 5*s is possible as well.
I knew you knew. And it is in your pic of the announcement. But, I frequent a game Forum where "Where is the Update Notes?" Is the most common question posted on Notes Day. And they start asking twelve hours before the time a Patch Notes thread is usually posted.
Wanted to help others maybe see it.
It will make us all thirsty .
Same. I have 7k saved up and I’ll blow it all.