Data1001 wrote: » Deanna is not her own mother. Should read Lwaxana.
{ACE} Admiral Pasty wrote: » Data1001 wrote: » Deanna is not her own mother. Should read Lwaxana. I think you read it in a different way to me. Riker accidentally referred to Counselor Troi as the less formal “Deanna”, but then corrected himself.
I think you read it in a different way to me. Riker accidentally referred to Counselor Troi as the less formal “Deanna”, but then corrected himself.
That's what I meant.
"Contact Deanna— Counselor Troi's mother..."
It's still clumsy to write, either way, though.
Edit: You're right though, Jassada — it would've made more sense if it Deanna had been written with an apostrophe "s" at the end.
Could you please continue the petty bickering? I find it most intriguing.
~ Data, ST:TNG "Haven"
The fact that it can be read and understood in the wrong way proves that.