Bad layout for mission awards

I mean really! Come on DB you can do better...Your mission reward layout is a real drag. You can't see all the stuff you are getting when you use the supply kit and if you slide the slider to the right spot, it just resets to the left the next time you warp.
I am sorry guys but this seriously **tsk tsk**. You have all that negative space on the top and bottom to put the bonus rewards for the supply kit and you had to put then right next to each other?. (BTW, I am working real hard right now to keep this constructive and not say what I am really thinking which would look like this in the UC #########################################################################) I am just confounded by why you thought this was a good idea.

I am sorry guys but this seriously **tsk tsk**. You have all that negative space on the top and bottom to put the bonus rewards for the supply kit and you had to put then right next to each other?. (BTW, I am working real hard right now to keep this constructive and not say what I am really thinking which would look like this in the UC #########################################################################) I am just confounded by why you thought this was a good idea.

But, the new design of skirmish battles success and how close the "get more" (meaning spend dilithium) and "Okay" (continue) buttons are, is the most pathetic way to make their players unwillingly spend money I've ever seen.
Yeah, I noticed that too... it's not in a good spot though I would like to give them the benefit of the doubt that it's more poor planning and execution then avarice. I am just hoping that within the next week that one of their tech. guys sobers up long enough to add a ( < / BR) in between the reward codes for the missions and supply kit or next weeks galaxy event is going to be a major drag.
Could you please continue the petty bickering? I find it most intriguing.
~ Data, ST:TNG "Haven"