Voyage stuck.

in The Bridge
My voyage became stuck at 10 hours, just after the event reset. The dilemma will not come up. Do I send a ticket, or pray it starts working? It's been 2 hours.
Sometimes multiple game restarts can get you unstuck if the above won't.
I've also successfully unstuck mine by switching between devices.
Good luck
Damn, I was about to say it.
I avoided saying it, lol
And don't consider cs ticket to be an effective replacement either
Since I was never a user of IAP my trick in these situations is switching from data to wifi or simply switching to a different wifi carrier. The dilemma has always popped up straight away after doing so.
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Yikes, my voyages is currently out at 2 days 1 hour (needs to be revived). Im currently doing a voyage to get Picard and McCoy...i already got Picard, but not be really angered if i put all that i have into it with out getting McCoy because it froze...oh also ive heard you can contact cs and they can usually unfreeze it...but ive never had to so i dont know for sure
16 hours? That is definitely one full 8 hour voyage missed and yet another at least started, depending on how diligent you are with logging in to clear dilemmas, recall when nearly out of AM, claim rewards, and load the next voyage.
You got hosed, Moose...
I was out a little time but not really much else. The rewards in voyage aren’t so good that it is something to get excited about.
That's exactly what happened to me. I got the first two dilemma for the McCoy and decided to use my saved dilithium to reach the third for McCoy. I reached 2 days and then the bug hit me. It shows dilemma ready but when I click on it it doesn't pop up the dilemma.
CSR's helpful advice was to just recall it and they'd refund the dilithium cost for just the last refresh. I used ~4k refreshing solely to get to McCoy and they want to hand me ~540ish and send me on my way. I don't have enough banked dilithium to even reach as far as I was again let alone actually reach the desired dilemma.
I doubt this issue ever be fixed. Something similar happened a year or so ago. Why would they fix it? Voyage freezes after using 4k dilithium, they don't have a problem with a user having to spend that again. Same reason the voyage notification bug has never been fixed after almost two years of it.
Seems CSRs lie and can't be trusted. Three days later after recalling a bugged 20 hour voyage no replies back to ticket, no refunded dilithium, nothing. Filed another ticket and it was closed and merged by same CSR so know they read my updates. Stay classy STT!
Edit: Fixed the double quote post thing it did. On mobile, sorry bout that.
* should probly go in Engineering.
~· Fly with the Subspace Eddies! ·~
Aaaand, this is why I never do anything that could possibly involve CS. And why I'd never run a voyage that long. CS here is just the worst, so I'll save myself the money and hassle by not doing anything that could engage them.
Moose: do you have the response from CS related to this that shows they refunded all the dilithium you spent? I would like to use that in my current claim.
I had something similar happen to me this week as JustShrug (above). I had reached the 44 hour dilemma and it froze irreversibly. I had had dilemmas freeze 8 times on this voyage already, but restarting the game always triggered it to continue. This time nothing worked. I waited about 10 hours and then finally reached out to CS out of desperation. I made it clear in my request that they were not to recall my voyage for me, just unstick it. If they said they could not, I was going to try the IAP route. Well they recalled it anyway and gave me one refresh of dilithium. Keep in mind at this point I had used 8 voyage tokens and 3319 dilithium on this voyage questing after these exclusive crew.
I am currently waiting for a response on my CS ticket.
If anyone in CS reads this, I will gladly sing your praises if you help me resolve this in an acceptable manner. Until this is fixed, I think they (DB) should prevent voyages over a certain length or take down the voyage exclusive crew until this bug is resolved.