Should I cite Borg Troi.

The perceived wisdom is never to cite 4* crew, but I have 3/4 Borg Troi, who if cited will complete a cryostasis collection. This will give me a 1% boost on Engineering.
I am thinking yes, as I have a 4* cite in the mail box from aeons ago, but am curious what others think given the cite is worth honor.

I am thinking yes, as I have a 4* cite in the mail box from aeons ago, but am curious what others think given the cite is worth honor.

Should I cite Borg Troi. 46 votes
Edit: I just checked and I am in the same position you are. There goes my honor stock.
Value wise, I look at that as similar to keeping a decent 1/5 around for event and occasional voyage use. So I would strongly consider the cite in your case. Or rolling the dice on a crew pack...
Sorry to change the topic a bit, but I've never seen this before. How is the game in phase 2, but the rewards are stuck in phase 1? Most knowledgable people, help please. (I tried to post a screenshot, but I'm too new to do so per fourm rules.)
The rewards are based on the event, not the phase. There are not phase 2 rewards different from phase 1. The only exception is with galaxy events where one of the phases has community rewards.
Unlike the others above ... I used to cite my 4* crew from Faction and Skirmish events, I stopped after Wedding Day Quark (mid-October 2018) when I saw that crew space issues were sufficiently mitigated and I could start directing my attention elsewhere (i.e. 5*s other than mega-event 5* crew).
I've never regretted it, many of those were part of collections, or as 3/4 would have been cluttering up crew quarters for ages ... just look at the most recent ones that I didn't cite ... B-4, K'mtar Alexander, Demora Sulu, Penk, Michael Sullivan and now Troi ... none of those (other than Troi) will likely ever be featured in another event or be useful in any aspect of the game for me and so will be in 3/4 limbo until they get added to the portal and then I get lucky enough to pick them up somehow, to then be instantly frozen.
Troi is actually the best 3/4 of that whole list (only Alexander is also part of a collection I've not completed), and one I don't mind having 3/4 to be honest, as there are a fair amount of Troi/Borg events.
The only situation I wouldn't cite is if I had less than 45k Honor ... but you've even got the citation in the mail ... with less than 45k Honor, it will be difficult to quickly get to 50k to cite the upcoming mega-event 5*, which will probably be around soon.
Given that Assimilated Troi is a new event crew that you are unable to get in any other way (aside from purchasing packs through dilithium) and can provide you with a 1% Engineering boost to all crew, she seems like a pretty good candidate to receive it.
The only reasons to not cite her would be a) if you actually had to purchase a citation to do so, or b) if her stats are useless to you (this depends on what other crew you have) and you can easily immortalise another Borg to get the collection reward.
I’ll add one more reason: saving the citation for a voyage-only crew member like Fierce Guinan, Colonel Worf, Leonard McCoy, or Ensign Picard.
I have cited her, the only other time I have cited a SR was Mother Horta so that I could freeze her
I'd do it if you have plenty of 4/5* ENG crew and 2.5 times the honour you will be spending.
No wonder everyone struggles for crew slots. I have cited many 4* just to freeze them.
In general, 4* crew are a lot easier to come by, so you have a much higher chance of getting that last star through some other means, which is much less the case for 5* crew.
It’s all about the value of a 4* citation. 18,000 honor is a little steep, even for the final star on a really good 4* crew, compared to 50,000 for a star on a 5* crew when 4*s are far more likely to pop up in purchased event/premium/ET packs and threshold/ranked/achievement/collections reward packs. Clearly, you place a higher value on open slots and it’s a strategy that works for you.
This is one thing that newer players I think have a definite disadvantage on compared to those of us who have been around for a while, particularly VIP0/F2P players. The premium portal pool is a lot more diluted now than it was two years ago and it will by nature be harder to fully fuse crew from random drops. I’m comfortably at 162/210 slots now (with one event crew out of the freezer and another 4/4* just waiting to be FE’d before freezing) but earlier on I had to airlock a number of 3* crew and even couple higher than that (Rianna Mayweather, a 4/4* not-FE Captain Janeway, and CD Quark) and eventually freeze some duplicates (yet another Captain Janeway and a Mirror Uhura) to keep from going over the limit.
Granted, at least there is the cryostasis vault to be able to freeze crew...and honor for citations, for that matter. I shudder to think what it would be like to try and manage crew today without those tools.
I don't spend money on the game so portal pulls (especially ones that will for certain yield a 4*) are few and far between. At the time I was citing 4* crew, the extended Threshold rewards were not in existence so I basically was banking on Galaxy or Galaxy-hybrid events to get the 10x pack Community Prize.
Now, with the new Threshold prizes, I can pretty much get a 10x pull on a weekly basis netting a guaranteed 4*.
So, even for F2P players getting 4* crew in is becoming more common. For that reason I would never cite a 4* that is in the current portal pool because, who knows you can pick them up on a Voyage or they'll drop through a 10x pull that you can now do every week. So, give it a little time and patience and you can fuse up most of your crew.
Furthermore, older crew are often part of the event reward structure* (see 1701 Dax and Drone Seven) so with a little patience you might be able to fully fuse them that way ... I've had a 1/4 1701 Dax for ages, so hopefully I'll have her immortal by Monday evening ...
However, DB are extremely slow in updating the portal pool, so some new event crew may take a year to get there (and then you still need luck to get them) ... if you're pressed as a F2P it just might be the way to go ... personally I'd rather spend 18k Honor than have to airlock new crew due to crew space issues. Crew I'd consider are:
- Voyage-only crew (only the 3-Dilemma ones);
- New event 3/4 crew that are part of a collection I am (close to) completing.
But, as I already explained before, I now have 15 seats open on my crew list (and I haven't even ditched my 2*s and 3*s yet) so I've made the shift to 5*s (have been able to purchase 8 5* citations since doing so). I don't see myself citing a 4* any time soon.
Hey, I remember buying 5* trainer packs with Honor in the first week it opened just to power level through some of the 3* crew I was still holding ... I don't regret that either (people made disparaging comments about me collecting all these "useless" crew ... and then we got Collections ...) ... I think sometimes the advice here is given without too much consideration if people actually want to spend on the game or not ... or with the view that only the best is worthy.
Anyway, sermon over.
*Actually, when I cited crew we were going through a spell of two new 4*s with each event ... but that has since stopped.
She actually made it ... as a 3/4 ... into a MED seat on the SEC/SCI Voyage I'm just about to complete ... made it to 8 hours with ease ... Prospect Burnham (4/4) was the only other 4* present.