Low Share Points...???

Anyone else with lower than usual points off a “share” for this event? In a full squad, but only have about 1400 points. I am not concerned with the points as they pertain to me, as I like helping out my squad mates, but I am concerned that it might be yet another DB glitch... Just curious if anyone else is experiencing something similar?
“A committee is a cul-de-sac, down which good ideas are lured and quietly strangled.” —Mark TwainMEMBER: [BoB] Barrel of Bloodwine... We are recruiting and putting the “curv” in scurvy! Best Event Finish: #3 Honor Debt: Inconceivable...Honor Bank Account: Slowly building...
It’s just ridiculous. Never saw that before. 14 hours in...
That very well may be true (the thought crossed my mind prior to posting this thread). I wouldn’t have thought anything of it if I hadn’t talked to several other squad leaders who noticed the same thing.
^ this, perhaps. Watching my rank trend, I don't think many people are doubling either (I'm coasting). My strategy was get to the rank I wanted then use faction solely to defend. I kickstarted but in hindsight regret doing so, all it bought me was acceleration towards completing the Honored Borg achievement.
Out of curiosity, do you know if they are loading crew in their primary/secondary AND order? There are multiple seats this week where the in-app recommends give radically different results if the AND bug isn't fixed... I know, we can't prove anything with that, but ... curious ...
Was just mentioned in fleet chat that they suspect the bug is back. Going to assume it is for the remainder.
13,650 stopped me from dropping rank overnight. Slowly climbed about 10 spaces since then and sitting at 231.
Going nuts in skirmish pays off big time.
It takes 2 3* boosts to earn an extra 4k once you're at 4k shuttles. Players could easily be behind by 100-200k from the skirmish half. That's 25-50 speed boosts to catch up after using another 11 in a kickstart to get you to 4k quicker. Unless you really want Braxton and have 50+ speedboosts just sitting around, the choice is easy, don't even bother.
Seems like it's back to me too. When I slacked off and took the apps percentage rates out of order, 95+% behaved more like 50%. When I went first + last, shuttles succeeded better.
Sure, small sample size, but not completely insignificant to fail 50% of 97% shuttles multiple times, and DB, well, you know, kind of has a LONG history of this stuff.
On topic, my shared points are pitiful too. But I think a half shuttle event, with fewer shuttles to properly kick start, following an event phase that nets 4x the VP leaves people not playing, not caring, and unable to rack up many points.
Maybe DB is experimenting, but a faction event for the second half is foolish. Halving the available shuttles is doubly foolish. Why bother when the VP are SO far out of alignment with the other phase, and you don't even get 12 hours of carry over shuttles?
Timelines Crew Cost Viewer
Wow that’s some great VP share. I usually don’t even get that much on a full faction.