Epic Bearing Up
in The Bridge
Is it me or is this designed so you need Mirror Beverly Crusher and that is the only person that can crit this node?
Suggested Traits: Exobiology, Physician, Investigator, Android, Geneticist, Caregiver, Hero, Prodigy, Innovator, Borg, Romulan, Smuggler, Cyberneticist, Engineered, Cultural Figure, Starfleet
Step Choices Skill Req Other Req Bonus Traits Rare Reward
1.Triage Borg Determine Collective Condition
A. AT-Cybernetic Brain Surgery.png Medicine Medicine
315 | 661 | 1197 —
Exobiology, Physician
(+?? | +136 | +??) No Rewards at this Node
2.Upgrade Implants Upgrade for Monitoring
A. AT-Federation Brig with Prisoner.png Security Security
315 | 661 | 1197 —
Investigator, Android
(+?? | +136 | +??) Common Social Lesson ★
Uncommon Medical Lesson ★★
Upgrade for Health
B. AT-Under Surgery.png Medicine Medicine
315 | 661 | 1197 Geneticist
Geneticist, Caregiver
(+?? | +136 | +??) Common First Contact Protocol ★
Uncommon Borg Cortical Node ★★
Upgrade for Functionality
C. AT-Borg Accessing Console.png Security Security
305 | 661 | 1197 —
Hero, Prodigy
(+?? | +136 | +??) Common Toolbox ★
Uncommon Holoprogram ★★
3.Retrofit Vessels Prioritize Efficiency
A. AT-Deflector Dish-First Contact.png Engineering Engineering
315 | 661 | 1197 Choose
2.A or 2.B
Innovator, Borg
(+?? | +136 | +??) No Rewards at this Node
Prioritize Stealth
B. AT-Shuttlecraft Under Attack.png Security Security
315 | 661 | 1197 —
Romulan, Smuggler
(+?? | +136 | +??) No Rewards at this Node
Prioritize Safety
C. AT-Son'a Collector.png Medicine Medicine
315 | 661 | 1197 Choose
2.B or 2.C
Cyberneticist, Caregiver
(+?? | +136 | +??) No Rewards at this Node
4.Prepare Public Messaging Identify Borg Spokesperson
A. AT-Borg Accessing Console.png Diplomacy Diplomacy
315 | 661 | 1197 Choose 3.A
Cultural Figure
Engineered, Cultural Figure
(+?? | +136 | +??) Common Casing ★
Uncommon Borg Exo-Plating ★★
Enforce Unassimilated Overseer
B. AT-Federation Brig with Prisoner.png Security Security
315 | 661 | 1197 —
Starfleet, Borg
(+?? | +136 | +??) Common Security Codes ★
Uncommon Optronic Data Core ★★
5.Establish Connection Convince Queen to Link with Fed
A. AT-Dark, Secret Research.png Diplomacy Diplomacy
315 | 661 | 1197 — No trait bonuses. Common Klingon House Crest ★
Rare Emitter Crystal ★★★
It's hard but as long as you get someone decent with the trait bonus it shouldn't be too bad. I also was thinking this would be nigh impossible w/o high fusion Mirror Crusher but I crit it on the first try with 1/5 Sulan.
Possibly Doc Crusher, Apollo, Bride Officer Troi, and Edith Keeler depending on the trait bonus and star base bonus you have.
That doesn't seem so unreasonable for the final mission in the game right now. There are plenty of other missions that only have a couple crew who can crit a node.
EDIT - Also maybe Edith Keeler
My Antaak is 4/4 stars, 612 +(240-843) MED (I have plenty of bonuses from Starbase and Collections).
Fleet is 10/10 for MED.
Maybe I need more personal bonuses ... or Mirror Beverly or Sulan.
Could be that collection bonuses need a boost, absolutely. If you have a strong enough DIP crew (1350ish with proficiency roll) you could also throw the first MED node and get a bit more breathing room for the locked node:
I got this on my very first run, by throwing Warship Tuvok at the first MED node and then getting a good roll with Antaak on the second node. BO Number One handled the final DIP node with ease despite the increased skill requirement due to the failure. I ran it twice by trying to use Antaak on the first node and failed the second both times. Just for comparison, my 3/5* Mirror Bev breezed through both MED nodes without a hitch.
For what it’s worth you could try some other Caregivers, since Geneticist is so limited. Doc Crusher has a better minimum MED proficiency than Antaak (though an even lower base), Juliana Tainer could do it when immortal, and Dr. Katherine Pulaski can certainly do it by 3/5* and maybe at 1-2/5* with a good roll. There are some other 4* options, though they are probably going to be even harder to get a good roll out of and would be worthless for the first node.
Base 1060
Low 122
(High 396)
Bonus 247
Lowest total roll 1429
(High roll 1703 ... Average 1566)
These numbers include starbase and collection bonuses (+15% base; +13% prof --> missing the Borg collection bonus).
EDIT: added highest possible roll and average.
EDIT 2: For both the locked DIP node and MED node go with:
Darth Bashir - Pulaksi - Etana Jol --> (Bashir, Pulaksi, Etana, Bashir, Etana); how I did it.
Otherwise switch Pulaski out with anyone that has decent SEC for node 2.