Gangster Kirk Offer

in The Bridge
I bit on this one since I have wanted him for a while. He will go nicely with my Gangster Spock.
You never got your second Prince Bashir copy?
Even at 4/5* and with plenty of other legendaries on my crew, Gangster Kirk is easily my #2 COM-primary/DIP-secondary crew. He’s only behind the Borg Queen in that respect, with a 4/5* Rogue Kai Winn as a distant third (and who never, ever gets used). At 5/5*, his base COM is better than Mirror Picard or T’Kuvma and even his voyage COM score should be third on my crew behind the Queen and Picard.
With the recent suspicion about a renewed AND bug (even if only during the event), having him is real nice...I have nearly as many DIP/COM crew as I do COM/SEC crew but until recently had been using First Goran’Agar as my #2 COM/DIP crew. Not ideal.
Stop making good arguments.
That reminds me. I checked the bug on an "And" Crew last night. 3* Boost of Primary worked to increase %age. Other side of the "And" 3* Boost did zero %age change........
But $10 for a Wrathful Khan, who arguably should be in the survivalist-themed pack they have out right now? Mmm, yes please....
That's not nearly as big a problem as the original AND bug. You just need to pick the other skill boost. The old AND bug before fixing meant crew that should have been much stronger were not. It's much harder to select other bonus crew (if they exist and you have them), than it is to select a different skill boost. I realize this means it's up to a few % shuttle nerf, but to me is a smaller priority bug report than the original.
The Boost not increasing the "And" Skill looks like the "And" Skill is not applying.
I am currently building Gangster Spock, so I splurged on the Double offer, cause a lot of the same items overflow.
You can check that theory by checking the next faction event. Compare a shuttle with an AND CMD+DIP let's say, then compare the same crewmember in a DIP only slot (in a shuttle with the same number of slots) and see if the % is the same. Pretty sure that's been checked and confirmed (many times by many people with thorough testing in past threads you might have missed), but feel free to confirm it again.
They offered the wrong gangster...if they had offered Spock i wouldve bought it in a heartbeat! Oh well...