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Expanding Ranked Rewards for the 2/5 Crew

Thanks so much for expanding the ranked rewards! The dilithium and merits too! :smiley:

1/5 to top the 1500 makes a huge difference for people's efforts now that it's gotten more competitive.

Do players think it'd be reasonable to expand the 2/5 farther to the top 200 or so? If so, to what rank do you think should get 2/5?

I feel the resources and/or time put into the top few hundred ranks deserve it.


  • I would think that was a very good idea and would encourage many players who are currently "threshold and out".
    2/5 for the top 250 maybe? It would be very worth playing for and I think would generate a ton of engagement.
    “Holodeck 2 tomorrow, 1600 hours. Just you, me and a tuning fork”
  • (HGH)Apollo(HGH)Apollo ✭✭✭✭✭
    Top 100 or top 150 would be good. Top 25 are almost all just whales with a few occasional exceptions. Top 100 or top 150 would allow others a chance while also increasing competition and spending. I would suggest DB tries the new rewards for a month and then tries expanding the 2/5 a bit to see if spending goes up. DB can even tell people that it is a trial to limit people getting angry.
    Let’s fly!
  • It is very cool of them to do, but all anyone wanted with the ranked rewards was for the number of 5 star cards to just be spread out more over the top 1000. At the very least expanding the 2/5 out further.
  • DScottHewittDScottHewitt ✭✭✭✭✭
    It is very cool of them to do, but all anyone wanted with the ranked rewards was for the number of 5 star cards to just be spread out more over the top 1000. At the very least expanding the 2/5 out further.

    Top 1500 for 1* is a start. But 2* needs to be a little deeper spread. ^5
    "The truth is like a lion; you don't have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself."
  • XoiikuXoiiku ✭✭✭✭
    edited January 2019
    Thanks for the change to the event reward structure.
    We are all downstream from each other and ourselves, therefore choose to be relaxed and groovy.
    Consider participating in civil discourse, understanding the Tardigrade, and wandering with the Subspace Eddies.
  • Cranky (SC) Cranky (SC) ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited January 2019
    Having a good chance of earning extra copies of the 5* event reward shouldn’t cost more than just being able to buy them in packs. Even allowing for saving of resources and advance planning of events, 2x 5* need to be me more attainable.

    16-25th rank costs waaay more to accomplish than the rewards are worth. So players don’t bother trying.

    That’s where DB lose most of their money. So sad that they’re basically throwing away revenue.
  • mejoyhmejoyh ✭✭✭✭
    I think the changes are good. Competition has gotten more competitive since the changes in thresholds. That proves that if the rewards are meaningful, players are incentivised to 'push' harder.

    The issue i have with the new changes are that it doesn't change the current problem of the reward gap between 1000 and 25. Additionally, extending the 1/5 reward further down the table doesn't particularly help newer players either (especially FTP). This will just clog up the crew slots with a bunch of 1/5

    I would have thought the additional 500 1/5 being given out would have been better utilised on bridging the gap between 25-1000. Maybe extending the 2,3,4 star rewards.

    1 - 5/5
    2-10 - 4/5
    11-25 - 3/5
    26-500 - 2/5
    501-1000 - 1/5

    The 500 rank is a meaningful push for late-r game players and is attainable with effort. Top 25 is basically impossible unless you suffer from insomnia or have alot of money to spend.
  • Ishmael MarxIshmael Marx ✭✭✭✭✭
    At the risk of seeming like a party-pooper (I hope that doesn't get censored)...

    I've been in favor of expanding the 2x5* reward to the top 50 players. If your name is on the visible leaderboard that every player in the game can see, then you deserve 2 stars (IMO).

    Top 200 (or similar) seems a bit too generous in my view. If they substantially expand the 2-star tier, competition will increase to crazy levels because so many more players will think that target is in range for them. Top 200 may seem "fair" based on your current expectation of effort and resources expended, but once 2 stars are attainable by that many players, the burn rates will jump dramatically.

    Of course, I could be wrong. Figuring out a reasonable balance between keeping your players engaged & rewarded while simultaneously not burning them out is a tricky dance.

    Adding dilithium to the rank tiers is very nice, though honestly I'm surprised it wasn't honor instead. Maybe this is a way to off-set the "I'm not touching that new pack with the cool new character 'cause I've got most of the pack FF'd" mentality. If dilithium is easier to re-coup without dropping cash into the game, maybe we'll get a little more frisky with our pack purchases (and of course overspend our dilithium anyway).
  • Jim SteeleJim Steele ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited January 2019
    While the reward changes are welcome, they still don't go far enough to tempt me back into spending.

    Top 25 is still unattainable without major spending, also I think if they offered a 2/5* to more people, those people might be tempted into the DYC offer thus DB might *actually* see an increase in revenue. The stat gain from 1/5* to 2/5* is not worth $25 of anyone's coin.

    The dilithium is also nice, but the rates for ranking top 1000 are still too low imho, and not enough to tempt me to really go for it. 200 dil doesnt really go that far and is not enough to buy a single portal pack (of which most are just binned anyway).

    Merits are kinda useless as I only convert them into honour anyway.

    Id much rather they offered honour for placement on a sliding scale. Not a groundbreaking amount but perhaps 20,000-1,000 on a sliding scale for top 1 to 5000.

    DB: Do Better
  • I totally support expanding the 2/5 reward from Top 25 to Top 50 or Top 100.
    •SSR Delta Flyers•
  • Paladin 27Paladin 27 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited January 2019
    I have a little unconventional proposal.

    Change the top 1500 1/5 to a threshold at say 450k. Would make the investment level predictable, and be a little more fair to folks who can't be online at the end of the event.

    Then for ranks you could expand the second star a little

    1st - 4 copies plus the threshold
    2-5 - 3 copies plus the threshold
    6-25 - 2 copies plus the threshold
    26-50 - 1 copy plus the threshold
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