Heyyyy DB, hurry up and add Troi to the collection...

Assimilated Troi, to the Timelines' Originals Collection, to be exact...
Because when you do, I get a 10-pull
Because when you do, I get a 10-pull

To quote my English-challenged uncle, "Never you be know it whats be happenit."
Meanwhile, you guys! you guys! Hey, Thorozar! Check this out:
That's the Premium 10-Pull from this achievement!
This worked for me! 3rd star on Georgiou and 4th for Kurak.
Still, 2050 honor between the pack and the straight honor drop is nothing to sneer at. Depending on how the next few weeks go (and how good the next mega’s recurring legendary is), I should be in good shape for a citation at the beginning of the mega event.
And Orion Interceptor Schemes!!!
LOL yes! I hadn't even noticed that till I saw I had an upgrade pending (to level 2 - but gotta start somewhere!)
Awesome lol.
Nice Pull.