Holodeck Enthusiasts Collection Omissions

in The Bridge
Detective Data considering Dr Watson is there.
Prospero Data
All versions of Dixon Hill Picard
Captain Proton Paris and Buster Kincaid Kim
If these aren't Holodeck Enthusiasts I don't know what defines one
Prospero Data
All versions of Dixon Hill Picard
Captain Proton Paris and Buster Kincaid Kim
If these aren't Holodeck Enthusiasts I don't know what defines one
Lucille is comparable to Professor Sato. She is well worth the effort.
It's a real shame. I like the idea of there being this ultra-exclusive collection character you really have to work for, but I feel like the holodeck was a bad choice for it - there's so many times folks have been hanging out in the holodeck in whatever costume, across all three TNG-era series, it seems really counterintuitive to limit the collection just for gameplay's sake.
Lucille has a base DIP of 1179 FF and is currently #22 in the game. She is also #27 for Voyages.
Sato has a base DIP if 1517 and is the #1 base in the game and is #5 for Voyages.
They are not comparable. I currently only need 1 more crew to get my first Lucille. I have 150k in honor that I will be using soon. Why would I give that to Delta Flyer Paris to work towards Lucille when I can give it to Interfaced La Forge who will be a better DIP crew than Lucille?
I agree with the cool idea, but too weak a character to be worth the effort/focus.
That's my bad. I thought Lucille had better diplomacy than that.
Errr... because you'd also have a 5/5 Delta Flyer Paris!
I'd take Interfaced La Forge in your position, too, but there is some value there for people with a few stars on those legendaries already. RAF O'Brien, DF Paris and Data V are all excellent crew and in many situations would be good for shortlisting for citations anyway. If that's enough to get you a 2/5 Lucille, it might also be worth considering Tuxedo Nog (plenty of Voyage Com/Dip; Dip/Eng isn't quite plentiful, yet; and he also counts towards Inspiring) to get a 'bonus 50K honor' for Lucille, too - and then she's just 100K honor from completion.
It's definitely situational, but it undeniably adds a smidge of value to those Legendaries.
I was looking at DIP rank. I find it easier to check the wiki than google docs, especially when google docs is blocked at work. Also, I prefer to look at individual stat ranks for voyages than total stats. Yes the total rank lets you fill out other skills more, but if you have a primary or secondary DIP voyage, the missing DIP between Lucille and Sato will need to be made up somewhere else and you may not care about that little extra CMD/SCI that Lucille has.