I said yes, but not sure it would actually change the ending result. About the only thing they could safely replace would be credits. And at the end of the day you can convert both merits and credits to honor from merit and regular pulls, so then its just a question of how many merits replace the credits.
Everything else is actually useful to a large group of players. Chrons, honor, or components which can be useful for galaxies or crew building are useful for everyone. Rations and trainers are essential for players just starting out in their first 3-4 months so you wouldn't wand to pull those either.
I like Merits, but I use them to buy crew which become honor. So why add merits when that would take from the honor and crew drops? Unless you are replacing useless credits, I say no, thank you.
I find it interesting that @DavideBooks and I vote the same nearly all the time!
But seriously, just the name alone implies that they are not something that should just be a participation trophy or some random object scooped up in a bussard collector. And yes, I say this knowing that "honor" is also something that can be found on voyages, to which I will reply that that has never made sense either.
I like Merits, but I use them to buy crew which become honor. So why add merits when that would take from the honor and crew drops? Unless you are replacing useless credits, I say no, thank you.
I'm a provisional "YES" if it were to be done like that. Turn each 💯 Creds into like 25 Merits.
"The truth is like a lion; you don't have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself."
Merits is a quirky thing - converting it to honor you'd need 725 for the merit pull and although you can be unlucky getting 3 greys, on average you should get about 175 honor as a return, if I remember correctly. So if it is inclusion to the current pool of Items then I would hope a similar return per voyage say 6hr+ (i'm averaging 8hr+), as the status quo would roughly be maintained or slightly better. However if it was in addition something on top then that of course would be more favorable.
[was on Sabbatical/Hiatus] Currently a trialist at Galaxy SquadronSTAY SAFE and KBO
Remember that anything added will dilute other drops. Add merits and you get fewer chronitons, fewer replicator rations, and less honor. They certainly wouldn't reduce the drops of useless items and useless credits.
If you add them to voyages then there would be no reason for me to play gauntlet. I think the game is more interesting if you have to do more diverse things to get different currencies.
I originally said yes, but other points made here by some made me think I'd change that vote to no... All merits are really good for is those 3 pulls (which, let's face it, usually **tsk tsk**) that give a small amount of honor... so if we're talking merits are nerfing honor OR chrons to be introduced then NO
If they're being added where you get like 5 merits per dilemma ON TOP of everything else then sure
I originally said yes, but other points made here by some made me think I'd change that vote to no... All merits are really good for is those 3 pulls (which, let's face it, usually **tsk tsk**) that give a small amount of honor... so if we're talking merits are nerfing honor OR chrons to be introduced then NO
If they're being added where you get like 5 merits per dilemma ON TOP of everything else then sure
Adding a few as a bonus to dilemmas would be a great idea, as long as nothing else is removed.
Remember that anything added will dilute other drops. Add merits and you get fewer chronitons, fewer replicator rations, and less honor. They certainly wouldn't reduce the drops of useless items and useless credits.
It depends on your point of view though you are taking it as addition - of the possibility of receiving it. Where as I am taking it as receiving it in addition to what you already get on a voyage. There is a significant difference between the two if it's the former then it's clearly a no but if it's the latter then it's totally a yes.
[was on Sabbatical/Hiatus] Currently a trialist at Galaxy SquadronSTAY SAFE and KBO
Remember that anything added will dilute other drops. Add merits and you get fewer chronitons, fewer replicator rations, and less honor. They certainly wouldn't reduce the drops of useless items and useless credits.
It depends on your point of view though you are taking it as addition - of the possibility of receiving it. Where as I am taking it as receiving it in addition to what you already get on a voyage. There is a significant difference between the two if it's the former then it's clearly a no but if it's the latter then it's totally a yes.
But there are only so many opportunities for something to drop. If merits are added to the pool of potential drops, it necessarily dilutes the chances of getting any specific thing (like honor, chrons, or 4* crew). I would replace credits with merits entirely, as there are plenty of ways to obtain credits in larger quantities than you get from voyages.
For the "replace credits wth merits because honor" crowd...
725 merits = 150 honor (on average) via merit pulls
270,000 credits = 150 honor (on average) via 2* portal pulls
(Someone is welcome to correct me about the actual "average" rate of return, but I'm really just making a conceptual point here.)
It would obviously depend on the replacement rate of merits vs credits, but to my eye, this is not much different as it stands.
Portal pulls - - > you also get a bunch of low level items, some of which are used in galaxy recipes. Merit pulls don't do that.
Credits = replication of 4*/5* items = quicker/easier crew leveling. Merits can't help with that.
The main problem is dilution. Any addition to voyage reward tables makes everything, including the added item, less likely to drop.
And don't forget, you don't want DB touching the loot tables on anything. Ever.
Every time loot tables are touched, they're nerfed. So you're asking for a double nerf here. First the nerf by dilution, then the nerf by design when they re-open the tables.
I would like it if they added merits to voyages but only if they replaced one of the other drops so it didn’t delete anything. Or maybe make them an addition. Currently you get Chronitons, honor and a crew when you hit a dilemma. Just add merits to the dilemma drops
I would like it if they added merits to voyages but only if they replaced one of the other drops so it didn’t delete anything. Or maybe make them an addition. Currently you get Chronitons, honor and a crew when you hit a dilemma. Just add merits to the dilemma drops
Like that idea.
"The truth is like a lion; you don't have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself."
(which, let's face it, usually **tsk tsk**) that give a small amount of honor...
And then they give you a gem, like today...
4th star for Janie, and it was the 2nd gold recieved from a merit pull in under 2 weeks...merit pulls are very...interesting to say the least
(which, let's face it, usually **tsk tsk**) that give a small amount of honor...
And then they give you a gem, like today...
4th star for Janie, and it was the 2nd gold recieved from a merit pull in under 2 weeks...merit pulls are very...interesting to say the least
Torchbearer Rejak made me drop my tablet.
"The truth is like a lion; you don't have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself."
I say yes, but they should NOT replace other drops. Maybe drop 25 with the 4 hour dilemma, then 50 with the 6 hour, 75 at the 10 hour and 100 every dilemma after that. The reason I skip the 8 hour one is to reward people that extend to the 10 hour mark. For the record I can reach about 8 hours in about half my voyages so I would be affected by the 8 hour dilemma not dropping merits.
I have said we need other ways to obtain merits. But not at the expence of other drops. “Add” does not mean “replace”.
If you want to replace anything, credits should be done away with all together. You spend chrons...to run missions...to obtain components..to build items. Then we are charged again with credits to build the item. Its triple charging. Chrons/components/credits. All needed for one item.
There are too many types of currency.
I would like it if they added merits to voyages but only if they replaced one of the other drops so it didn’t delete anything. Or maybe make them an addition. Currently you get Chronitons, honor and a crew when you hit a dilemma. Just add merits to the dilemma drops
this was my line of thinking adding it to the dilemmas perhaps gradual increase to 8hrs then it is capped at a particular amount per dilemma.
[was on Sabbatical/Hiatus] Currently a trialist at Galaxy SquadronSTAY SAFE and KBO
Everything else is actually useful to a large group of players. Chrons, honor, or components which can be useful for galaxies or crew building are useful for everyone. Rations and trainers are essential for players just starting out in their first 3-4 months so you wouldn't wand to pull those either.
But seriously, just the name alone implies that they are not something that should just be a participation trophy or some random object scooped up in a bussard collector. And yes, I say this knowing that "honor" is also something that can be found on voyages, to which I will reply that that has never made sense either.
I'm a provisional "YES" if it were to be done like that. Turn each 💯 Creds into like 25 Merits.
More Merits is a good thing. Nerfing anything except credits would change me to a hard "NO."
Remember that anything added will dilute other drops. Add merits and you get fewer chronitons, fewer replicator rations, and less honor. They certainly wouldn't reduce the drops of useless items and useless credits.
If they're being added where you get like 5 merits per dilemma ON TOP of everything else then sure
Adding a few as a bonus to dilemmas would be a great idea, as long as nothing else is removed.
It depends on your point of view though you are taking it as addition - of the possibility of receiving it. Where as I am taking it as receiving it in addition to what you already get on a voyage. There is a significant difference between the two if it's the former then it's clearly a no but if it's the latter then it's totally a yes.
But there are only so many opportunities for something to drop. If merits are added to the pool of potential drops, it necessarily dilutes the chances of getting any specific thing (like honor, chrons, or 4* crew). I would replace credits with merits entirely, as there are plenty of ways to obtain credits in larger quantities than you get from voyages.
725 merits = 150 honor (on average) via merit pulls
270,000 credits = 150 honor (on average) via 2* portal pulls
(Someone is welcome to correct me about the actual "average" rate of return, but I'm really just making a conceptual point here.)
It would obviously depend on the replacement rate of merits vs credits, but to my eye, this is not much different as it stands.
Portal pulls - - > you also get a bunch of low level items, some of which are used in galaxy recipes. Merit pulls don't do that.
Credits = replication of 4*/5* items = quicker/easier crew leveling. Merits can't help with that.
And don't forget, you don't want DB touching the loot tables on anything. Ever.
Every time loot tables are touched, they're nerfed. So you're asking for a double nerf here. First the nerf by dilution, then the nerf by design when they re-open the tables.
Like that idea.
And then they give you a gem, like today...
4th star for Janie, and it was the 2nd gold recieved from a merit pull in under 2 weeks...merit pulls are very...interesting to say the least
Torchbearer Rejak made me drop my tablet.
If you want to replace anything, credits should be done away with all together. You spend chrons...to run missions...to obtain components..to build items. Then we are charged again with credits to build the item. Its triple charging. Chrons/components/credits. All needed for one item.
There are too many types of currency.
this was my line of thinking adding it to the dilemmas perhaps gradual increase to 8hrs then it is capped at a particular amount per dilemma.