Jan 28 'special offers'

in The Bridge
Two weeks in a row... Plz gtfo... Hey that rhymes, assuming it gets past the filter

Just the 100 bucks one in Canadian Dollars, but yes, yes it is
With the 1500 dil just not enough to tempt me.
Not sure what I would have done if it was the 4000 dil. version.
Give me packs...or crew...or, i don‘t know, but not that.
Come on DB. I‘ve got all these ships maxed out
Speaking of schems, please give me something to do with them besides let them accumulate. At least we can get a small amount of honor for worthless dupe crew. And don’t say replicator fuel, already have tons of that plus end up throwing trainers in there just to keep them from capping out.
Same, **tsk tsk** big time but saves me $$
But I'ma gonna pass
That's what I get EVERY week. Drop down to a $50 offer maybe once every 6 months (I still don't buy) and it jumps back up to the $100 offer the following week.
Being able to convert them to Honour or something would be great.
I'd be steamed I dumped so many into the replicator over the years if that happened, but it'd be awesome going forward
I just let my trainers cap out, as I do starbase components not named holoemitters. I’ll let my schematics cap out as well if DB doesn’t come up with an alternative....it’s not worth the effort of trying to use them up when I get more replicator rations from voyages than what I use in the replicator.
I would like to convert schematics from one ship type to another. Even if the exchange rate was poor and you could only use it on ships for which you have already built at level 1, it would help cut down on unnecessary inventory.
Same offer I got last week. The EXACT same. I am being swindled.
This does not seem much like a deal. Like 100 more dilithium than just buying $10 worth. If DB had given me the $50 worth of dilithium for $25 deal again I would have bought it.
Same and won't do for $4.99
I go back and forth on using my trainers and not, but lately been using them for fuel on 0* items. Schems are different in that a lot of them came from packs which I paid for just like crew I get honor from.
Yes, some kind of “shipyard” could be a step in the right direction.
Would be great if DB gave us a choice of three deals. Pick the one that works best for you.
Generally that offer is one that is given to everybody and isnt featured on the offer dabo table and offered at random, hopefully it will come around soon for you.
Same here. Two weeks in a row. But to be fair... I wouldn't do any deal this week. I'm saving for event packs. Or if they do Captain Lorca as a $10 deal. (Hint, hint, if you want my money, DB.)
I have also gotten this same offer twice in a row...how many times do i have to say no for db to get it...I AINT BUYING IT!!