New 5* in Vault - Irina

Looks like this week's Tuesday Pack. She was in VOY's "Drive" - the one where Paris enters a race with the Delta Flyer:
Some combination of CMD/ENG/SEC.

Some combination of CMD/ENG/SEC.

GoT Chief Communications Officer
Sure as heck wouldn't have been my first choice. When was the last time we even got a new Torres?
EDIT: summer 2017, it seems. Clearly, we are due for a new Torres.
However... part of me is also kind of glad, because I'm at the point where I have nearly every super-rare (purple) in the game immortalized, so in effect it's something to strive for.
THAT BEING SAID. They should probably think about increasing the odds of legendary beholds being drawn. Just a thought.
While I agree that some choices fore legendary cards, especially these one off characters like you said, kind of "taint" the legendary status, I DO prefer these types of cards for Tuesday packs. I'd rather the Tuesday dilithium packs be a character I've never heard of or want then say, Torpedo Surgeon McCoy or Kamin.
Yep. Pitiful that these sorry characters are "legendary" cards, with often better stats than our heros. But with the price of crap in this game, I'm not buying Tuesday packs, so please, keep dumping this tripe in there so I have a chance at crew I give a rat's whisker about.
Torpedo Surgeon McCoy? You mean Karl Urban? We don't allow Abrams Trek in here! Judge Dredd is cool, but he ain't McCoy!
Undiscovered Country. Gas sniffer to find the cloaked BoP that could fire while cloaked.......
Ideally with the "I'd give real money if he'd shut up" soundclip.
LOL - even at the reduced rate, there is an almost zero chance of me buying that pack. Irina would need to be the new #1 Voyager and a Gauntlet beast to justify risking it.
FE/FF level 100 skills: CMD 359 (175-376), ENG 1262 (233-472), SEC 979 (109-334)
FE 1/5 level 100 skills: CMD 134 (175-376), ENG 872 (233-472), SEC 531 (109-334)
Traits: Pilot, Crafty, Terrellian, Saboteur, Criminal, Tactician, Jury Rigger
It was my understanding that our more familiar characters would be Common, Uncommon or perhaps Rare.
Then the special, one off characters or variants, would be Super Rare and Legendary. And their skill sets are more and more unique, thus making them a more valuable addition to one's crew.
So it makes sense to me that Irina is in this list.
I'm disappointed when a "Captain Sisko", a "Seven of Nine" or a "Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax" appear in the Legendary ranks, as they lack the above descriptions and should be a more generic rarity.
What we have mentioned in the past, is that there should be common or uncommon version of all the regulars. That way, when one first starts playing the game, they can have version of there favorite as soon as they start playing.
This was my first thought when I saw the name “Irina” pop up. Hippie Irina might have gotten a purchase or two out of me, while Unmemorable Delta Quadrant Irina definitely will not.
That's a bloody 7-7-7 on the slots! Grand slam winner, that is! Nicely done!
Make sure that you get your lottery tickets for the week!!!!!!
RNGesus can be pretty R...............
That is mighty impressive. Congratulations!