Ferengi Battle Cruiser Design Question

in The Bridge
I've been curious, on the various shows, did we ever see the Ferengi ships with the pop-top battle platform the way they have it in the Timelines arena? Was this detailed in a technical manual somewhere along the line, or is this an addition of Disruptor Beam?
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I believe (might be wrong) extending the battle platform, along with lowering the claw weapons and extending the 'neck', was meant in that episode to be a gesture of surrender - it exposes the unarmoured bits, showing the ship's not going to fight. But since it wasn't really clear on screen or in dialogue (I think Picard and co. don't actually understand the meaning in the episode?) it's kind of up in the air what it really 'should' mean.
Found this online. Interesting how they describe the "Surrender Pose" looking "Threatening". Might be what they were going for was the Marauder surrendering looking different than a surrender to Hooman observers.........
EDIT: IIRC it was here...
Could be both - like, mechanically, it's for maintenance, but because it involves opening up all the gubbins and maybe disengaging the weapons from the powerplant so they can be worked on, effectively it's rendering the ship defenceless, so if you do it during a face-off it's obviously the equivalent of rolling over. Assuming you don't run into a bunch of humans who assume it's a threat and open fire (did the Ferengi sell the idea to the Minbari maybe?)