Best and Worst event pack ever simultaneously

in The Bridge
You'd think one stab at the event pack with Georgiou and 4 beholds would be get excited worthy but...

All already immortal

All already immortal
Man, that is definitely giveth with one hand, taketh with the other. Someone with maths do the odds on it picking TWELVE straight Immortals for four Beholds......
Yateball after first Pull: MONKEYSMURFER!!!
RNGesus seeing Yateball going for another Pull: I'ma give Yateball a break.
Good Pull!!!!! I can't remember now where my Leonardo came from. Been a couple weeks.
Thanks, yah I pulled the trigger on one of the universal offers today (the 15 packs and 2k dilithium)
I got that pull you see up there, the 5th and final star for Garak, Elim Garak, the 1st star for Captain Nog, the 1st star for First Officer Riker, the 4th star for Senator Vreenak, and 3rd star for Umpire Odo
Needless to say, in 15 packs, I'm happy with that, so RNGesus is forgiven
I think I know where my luck went today on taking the same deal: across 15 packs I had no golds, a fourth star for Klingon Neelix, and enough schematics to get to level 9 on the Discovery, level 6 on the Orion interceptor and the Reliant, and level 4 on the Ni’Var. Plus a decent amount of honor, I suppose.
Well played!!!!!
Good ol' Darles Chickens
Oh that's lousy luck!
I noticed that Philippa only has 3 copies as the rewards, so grrr dont want to purchase a single copy.
I do have some dil saved up, so I should use a couple of pulls and hopefully get one copy.
Well it went like this:
1 pull: L'Rell
2 pull: L'Rell
3 pull: Garak - Airlocked
4 pull: L'Rell
5 pull: Garak - Airlocked + Tempted Data
6 pull: Garak - Airlocked
7 Pull: L'Rell
So no Philippa - so disappointed in my pulls - lol.
That like the Earth-2 version of Yateball's luck.........
yah no kidding, can you ban people from commenting on a thread you've created? lol