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Fix for Gauntlet Walls

AviTrekAviTrek ✭✭✭✭✭
First, I'd like to thank DB for making it easier to get all the gauntlet crew.

But now that more people will have a full set, is any work being done about the walls of crew we face? Once everyone has the 4 gauntlet crew plus mirror Picard and surak, the gauntlet will become even more aggravating than it already is. I hope some thought has gone into this or it will become like the threshold changes, a theoretically player positive change that has a side effect making the experience even worse than before the change.


  • AviTrek wrote: »
    First, I'd like to thank DB for making it easier to get all the gauntlet crew.

    But now that more people will have a full set, is any work being done about the walls of crew we face? Once everyone has the 4 gauntlet crew plus mirror Picard and surak, the gauntlet will become even more aggravating than it already is. I hope some thought has gone into this or it will become like the threshold changes, a theoretically player positive change that has a side effect making the experience even worse than before the change.

    let's be clear, this is what people asked for. you are rightly pointing out this will make the "wall" problem worse, but it's not DB's fault that people requested this change. In essence, the players WANT more walls of gauntlet crew. **tsk tsk** to be you if you've got bad RNG luck for a year and don't get them all, your gauntlet rank could be worse than it was typically 2 days ago, for the following YEAR.
  • HaBlackHaBlack ✭✭✭✭✭
    Actually now it will be better, because now, if I get Locutus, I can go against wall of Locuti. If I don't have Locutus (or any other similar character) than I am worried about walls of Locuti.

    So now is better.
    PlayingSince: 2016-09-16Can we get some more characters from TAS?We finally have Caitians in the game!Character wishlist:
    • Lieutenant M'Ress - got her
    • Amanda Rogers - got her
    • Admiral S'rrel from Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home - not in the game yet
    • Agmar - not in the game yet
    • M'yra - not in the game yet
  • HaBlack wrote: »
    Actually now it will be better, because now, if I get Locutus, I can go against wall of Locuti. If I don't have Locutus (or any other similar character) than I am worried about walls of Locuti.

    So now is better.

    And if 25% of the player base who did not have him gets Locutus in the next 3 months and you don't for a year, I'm sure you'll still feel it's better? I don't think people are thinking this through.
  • ThurthoradThurthorad ✭✭✭✭✭
    Now is better.

    Now we can ask for it to be even better again.

    DB make Gauntlets more interesting, maybe by releasing tons of new Legendaries that are Gauntlet relevant in weekly packs. Don't make any more Gauntlet mega event characters. What we need is variety, variability and possibly some power creep.
  • IronagedaveIronagedave ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited February 2019
    It could end up being quite a lucrative honor mine for those who have multiple copies unfused but levelled up. It depends on the drop rate of course/RNG but if higher rank means higher chance then the people who already have them (or multiple copies) will have more chance of staying ahead of the game not to mention possibly better cryo/starbase bonuses.

    Edit: They did however say they were changing traits as well so hopefully there will be different "walls" and not just the gauntlet regulars.
    [was on Sabbatical/Hiatus] Currently a trialist at Galaxy SquadronSTAY SAFE and KBO
  • Princess TristaPrincess Trista ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited February 2019
    AviTrek wrote: »
    First, I'd like to thank DB for making it easier to get all the gauntlet crew.

    But now that more people will have a full set, is any work being done about the walls of crew we face? Once everyone has the 4 gauntlet crew plus mirror Picard and surak, the gauntlet will become even more aggravating than it already is. I hope some thought has gone into this or it will become like the threshold changes, a theoretically player positive change that has a side effect making the experience even worse than before the change.

    Maybe something like limiting the amount of the same crew being shown on the current wall to two?
  • Sometimes I'd like the chance of substituting a crew member I've picked for the Gauntlet with another of my crew who missed the cut.

    Perhaps players could be given the option to do this on Day 2?
  • Yes, it is quite frustrating to be on a roll and suddenly run into the Great Wall of Mirror Picards. Perhaps do something to better randomize the opponents you get for each round?
  • (HGH)Apollo(HGH)Apollo ✭✭✭✭✭
    I really like the changes. Many people were doing gauntlet every day and not getting any of the legendaries because of the low drop rate. People were quitting gauntlet because they felt it was pointless. Now those people will have a better chance and hopefully come back to it.
    Let’s fly!
  • Dirk GundersonDirk Gunderson ✭✭✭✭✭
    (A) Thank you so much @SunshineRiker for engaging on this. Awesome.

    (B) I've beaten this horse a little dead in other threads, but I think part of the power to make walls go away lies in our own hands. Having studied (yes, I know, everyone's shocked) this problem for a few weeks now, I'm thoroughly convinced that people are underplaying good cards in favor of perceived heavies ... which leads to wall feedback loops (I see a wall of characters, therefore I perceive I need the card, then I play them more often than I probably should, so even more people see walls ...).

    The traits tweaks should definitely help with this problem.

    I think there are multiple reasons for why some cards get overplayed, beyond just availability (number of people that have them):
    1. The default sort order in the crew selection tool puts brute force heavies up top, you have to scroll pretty far down sometimes to find the best crew. Similarly, there are crew ranking spreadsheets out there which use brute force (unmodified proficiency stats) as the figure of merit, as a starting point, and Discord bots which follow the same rubric.
    2. The now-mostly-defunct IAP "out of the box" default settings significantly underweighted the importance of featured skills and traits, and there wasn't a roadmap for users on how to tweak them. This led to the same brute force cards being recommended over and over, usually suboptimally. A whole generation of players got trained every day into that mindset.
    3. The very solid Big Book of Behold Advice can sometimes be a little misleading, because it sorts on the overall value of a card across all mechanics. Example, Gangster Spock has been a "top 25-ish" card to field in at least three of the last dozen or so Gauntlets in my series (I would say a top 5 card in one), but the BBBA has him pretty far down the overall tier rankings and a casual reader could easily come away with the impression of "a gauntleteer who has seen his day". Mirror T'Pol's a little weaker but in the same category. Both of these are potential wall-breakers under the right conditions.
    4. Per above, the "I see a wall therefore if I get a wall card I must always play it" feedback loop. I think MJLP is a great example of this. Unless his skill and traits are activated, he's a good but not stellar gauntlet card. I didn't have him, saw the walls over and over, and thought he was the key to nirvana. He popped in a begold about a month ago so I went for it (before starting this study). Sadly he hasn't made it into my best card to field since. So, ironically, I think, we have "nuisance walls" of MJLPs who create hurdles to get over but are quite possibly not the best cards the owners could have fielded.

    So my proposition is: the more people have an incentive to find and field diverse crew (e.g., the trait tweaking DB did), the more diverse the lineups everyone sees are, and the more likely that players will adjust some of the dynamics on their own. Not a 100% solution, but part of one...

    Edit : PS, I forgot to mention how I fell over laughing staring at a wall of 65% Locuti today. Either this was a great example of "enough monkeys in a room with typewriters will eventually generate a Locutus wall on the exact same day DB announces changes soon to fix the problem", or else DB is having an awful lot of fun messin' with our heads to show how good it will be when the first New Format Gauntlet starts ... :smiley:

    1) I think your analysis is spot on.

    2) These three traits do give Locutus a 65% crit chance but they do the same for at least Assimilated La Forge, Assimilated Troi, and Drone Seven of Nine. I don’t remember ever seeing more than two 65%ers at once, never mind four. 65% on a mediocre gauntleteer like Drone Seven makes her pretty stout, even competitive against a 5% Caretaker.
  • Maybe this is too extreme for some folks, but what if they made it so you were only allowed ONE gauntlet reward crew to be selected? e.g. if you select locutus for the gauntlet, you can't select caretaker, armus, or guinan.
  • Bylo BandBylo Band ✭✭✭✭✭
    I think it was friend @5000 Quatloos who suggested this a while back, but one possible solution is this:

    Players are asked to tag 12 Gauntlet crew, much like players can tag favorites now.

    When players enter a Gauntlet, they get to choose 2 crew from their entire roster, but then the final 3 will be chosen at random from the 12 tagged. It breaks up walls and rewards careful/strategic planning.

    It may need some tweaking, but I think it is close to perfect.

    If it wasn't 5000 who thought of it, I want to claim the idea :p
  • 5000 Quatloos5000 Quatloos ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited February 2019
    1) I think your analysis is spot on.

    2) These three traits do give Locutus a 65% crit chance but they do the same for at least Assimilated La Forge, Assimilated Troi, and Drone Seven of Nine. I don’t remember ever seeing more than two 65%ers at once, never mind four. 65% on a mediocre gauntleteer like Drone Seven makes her pretty stout, even competitive against a 5% Caretaker.

    That’s a great point .... ALF and Drone Seven have been particularly challenging for me as opponents today and I think that’s awesome and appropriate. I’m hesitant to say this, but Gauntlet is almost ... ... ... ... “fun” ... when there’s an unexpected and diverse lineup. Well played, Drone Seven, you just earned your keep for someone.

    @ByloBand - I can’t take credit for the tagging idea so it’s yours to claim unless an owner shows up :smile:
    Accepted. Mark them, Galt.
  • Trait bonuses beefing up crew like drone seven to competitive with The Caretaker is ridiculous. We're talking a HUGE crew power gap reduced to RNG chance. This is essentially reducing the benefit of having strong crew, and introducing MORE RNG to fights. Did'nt we have enough forum posts already with complaint screenshots of ridiculous crit rolls? Now we'll have more crew with 65% than ever before, essentially making a much larger portion of battles 50/50. This sounds more frustrating to me.
  • AviTrekAviTrek ✭✭✭✭✭
    Trait bonuses beefing up crew like drone seven to competitive with The Caretaker is ridiculous. We're talking a HUGE crew power gap reduced to RNG chance. This is essentially reducing the benefit of having strong crew, and introducing MORE RNG to fights. Did'nt we have enough forum posts already with complaint screenshots of ridiculous crit rolls? Now we'll have more crew with 65% than ever before, essentially making a much larger portion of battles 50/50. This sounds more frustrating to me.

    Yep. People forget that at the end of the day, DB wants to break streaks by RNG and cause you to spend DIL to keep them going. These changes are all achieving that. They seem player friendly upfront, but will just prompt even more complaints about RNG and evil streak breaker algorithm conspiracies.
  • edited February 2019
    It would be difficult to completely design out walls in the Gauntlet as it is currently set up.

    That's the problem. Current setup is poor. You need to completely redesign it. The only thing you need to implement is: much lees RNG and much more actual human skill.

  • AviTrekAviTrek ✭✭✭✭✭
    It would be difficult to completely design out walls in the Gauntlet as it is currently set up.

    That's the problem. Current setup is poor. You need to completely redesign it. The only thing you need to implement is: much lees RNG and much more actual human skill.

    The problem is, if you take that approach the entire game needs to be redesigned.
  • Moose1Moose1 ✭✭✭
    Gauntlet is all about walls and I can’t see who any of this will make it better. Instead of that 1 in 10 crew you have a s
    ByloBand wrote: »
    I think it was friend @5000 Quatloos who suggested this a while back, but one possible solution is this:

    Players are asked to tag 12 Gauntlet crew, much like players can tag favorites now.

    When players enter a Gauntlet, they get to choose 2 crew from their entire roster, but then the final 3 will be chosen at random from the 12 tagged. It breaks up walls and rewards careful/strategic planning.

    It may need some tweaking, but I think it is close to perfect.

    If it wasn't 5000 who thought of it, I want to claim the idea :p

    They can’t figure out how to show how many replicator uses left in a day, you think they have anywhere near the capability for that?

  • 5000 Quatloos5000 Quatloos ✭✭✭✭✭
    Trait bonuses beefing up crew like drone seven to competitive with The Caretaker is ridiculous. We're talking a HUGE crew power gap reduced to RNG chance. This is essentially reducing the benefit of having strong crew, and introducing MORE RNG to fights. Did'nt we have enough forum posts already with complaint screenshots of ridiculous crit rolls? Now we'll have more crew with 65% than ever before, essentially making a much larger portion of battles 50/50. This sounds more frustrating to me.

    I think I see your point, but not convinced I entirely agree. There are already a good 1-2 dozen cards each day due to skill and trait featuring that are competitive with the Gauntlet legendaries. Tweaking the trait approach (potentially) just increases the diversity of who’s in that lineup each day if it means the same traits don’t get overused. I don’t see how it necessarily means there will be *more* strong cards on a given day, just different ones? Did the announcement say we’ll get more triple trait crits? I didn’t think it did, but maybe I’m reading what I want to into the announcement.

    OTOH, if you’re saying that Crit rolls by their nature add even more variance to the already huge variance built into the proficiency skill ranges (and more variance = more RNG dependence) then yes, but we already have that situation today, it’s just, e.g., that El-Aurian shows up bonused way more often than it should given the number of El-Aurians in the game...
    Accepted. Mark them, Galt.
  • Walls are great. We need to the extend the current gauntlet wall. The gauntlet wall his older than the Dabo wheel. And the Dabo wheel works just fine, trust me folks.
  • AviTrek wrote: »
    Trait bonuses beefing up crew like drone seven to competitive with The Caretaker is ridiculous. We're talking a HUGE crew power gap reduced to RNG chance. This is essentially reducing the benefit of having strong crew, and introducing MORE RNG to fights. Did'nt we have enough forum posts already with complaint screenshots of ridiculous crit rolls? Now we'll have more crew with 65% than ever before, essentially making a much larger portion of battles 50/50. This sounds more frustrating to me.

    Yep. People forget that at the end of the day, DB wants to break streaks by RNG and cause you to spend DIL to keep them going. These changes are all achieving that. They seem player friendly upfront, but will just prompt even more complaints about RNG and evil streak breaker algorithm conspiracies.

    Always seems to be the case that I lose more streaks when there is a prize box awaiting me over the next hill. I imagine in my head that the code for this part of the game is like this:
    if( streak % 3 ){ // If streak is divisible by 3
         gauntlet.result = lose;
  • Peachtree RexPeachtree Rex ✭✭✭✭✭
    AviTrek wrote: »
    Trait bonuses beefing up crew like drone seven to competitive with The Caretaker is ridiculous. We're talking a HUGE crew power gap reduced to RNG chance. This is essentially reducing the benefit of having strong crew, and introducing MORE RNG to fights. Did'nt we have enough forum posts already with complaint screenshots of ridiculous crit rolls? Now we'll have more crew with 65% than ever before, essentially making a much larger portion of battles 50/50. This sounds more frustrating to me.

    Yep. People forget that at the end of the day, DB wants to break streaks by RNG and cause you to spend DIL to keep them going. These changes are all achieving that. They seem player friendly upfront, but will just prompt even more complaints about RNG and evil streak breaker algorithm conspiracies.

    Always seems to be the case that I lose more streaks when there is a prize box awaiting me over the next hill. I imagine in my head that the code for this part of the game is like this:
    if( streak % 3 ){ // If streak is divisible by 3
         gauntlet.result = lose;

    FWIW, my analysis of gauntlet rounds doesn't support this:


    Compare the results from the "reward rounds" tab to "other rounds". Win rates are right in line with expectations.
  • AviTrek wrote: »
    It would be difficult to completely design out walls in the Gauntlet as it is currently set up.

    That's the problem. Current setup is poor. You need to completely redesign it. The only thing you need to implement is: much lees RNG and much more actual human skill.

    The problem is, if you take that approach the entire game needs to be redesigned.

    That's not a problem. That's a solution.
  • AviTrek wrote: »
    Trait bonuses beefing up crew like drone seven to competitive with The Caretaker is ridiculous. We're talking a HUGE crew power gap reduced to RNG chance. This is essentially reducing the benefit of having strong crew, and introducing MORE RNG to fights. Did'nt we have enough forum posts already with complaint screenshots of ridiculous crit rolls? Now we'll have more crew with 65% than ever before, essentially making a much larger portion of battles 50/50. This sounds more frustrating to me.

    Yep. People forget that at the end of the day, DB wants to break streaks by RNG and cause you to spend DIL to keep them going. These changes are all achieving that. They seem player friendly upfront, but will just prompt even more complaints about RNG and evil streak breaker algorithm conspiracies.

    Always seems to be the case that I lose more streaks when there is a prize box awaiting me over the next hill. I imagine in my head that the code for this part of the game is like this:
    if( streak % 3 ){ // If streak is divisible by 3
         gauntlet.result = lose;

    FWIW, my analysis of gauntlet rounds doesn't support this:


    Compare the results from the "reward rounds" tab to "other rounds". Win rates are right in line with expectations.

    Yeah.... I was joking.
  • Peachtree RexPeachtree Rex ✭✭✭✭✭
    AviTrek wrote: »
    Trait bonuses beefing up crew like drone seven to competitive with The Caretaker is ridiculous. We're talking a HUGE crew power gap reduced to RNG chance. This is essentially reducing the benefit of having strong crew, and introducing MORE RNG to fights. Did'nt we have enough forum posts already with complaint screenshots of ridiculous crit rolls? Now we'll have more crew with 65% than ever before, essentially making a much larger portion of battles 50/50. This sounds more frustrating to me.

    Yep. People forget that at the end of the day, DB wants to break streaks by RNG and cause you to spend DIL to keep them going. These changes are all achieving that. They seem player friendly upfront, but will just prompt even more complaints about RNG and evil streak breaker algorithm conspiracies.

    Always seems to be the case that I lose more streaks when there is a prize box awaiting me over the next hill. I imagine in my head that the code for this part of the game is like this:
    if( streak % 3 ){ // If streak is divisible by 3
         gauntlet.result = lose;

    FWIW, my analysis of gauntlet rounds doesn't support this:


    Compare the results from the "reward rounds" tab to "other rounds". Win rates are right in line with expectations.

    Yeah.... I was joking.

    Lots of people have made posts with this exact same sentiment and are 100% not joking.
  • 5000 Quatloos5000 Quatloos ✭✭✭✭✭
    AviTrek wrote: »
    Trait bonuses beefing up crew like drone seven to competitive with The Caretaker is ridiculous. We're talking a HUGE crew power gap reduced to RNG chance. This is essentially reducing the benefit of having strong crew, and introducing MORE RNG to fights. Did'nt we have enough forum posts already with complaint screenshots of ridiculous crit rolls? Now we'll have more crew with 65% than ever before, essentially making a much larger portion of battles 50/50. This sounds more frustrating to me.

    Yep. People forget that at the end of the day, DB wants to break streaks by RNG and cause you to spend DIL to keep them going. These changes are all achieving that. They seem player friendly upfront, but will just prompt even more complaints about RNG and evil streak breaker algorithm conspiracies.

    Always seems to be the case that I lose more streaks when there is a prize box awaiting me over the next hill. I imagine in my head that the code for this part of the game is like this:
    if( streak % 3 ){ // If streak is divisible by 3
         gauntlet.result = lose;

    FWIW, my analysis of gauntlet rounds doesn't support this:


    Compare the results from the "reward rounds" tab to "other rounds". Win rates are right in line with expectations.

    Yeah.... I was joking.

    Lots of people have made posts with this exact same sentiment and are 100% not joking.

    On a positive note, that was an impressive feat of micrologging and analysis. Nice...
    Accepted. Mark them, Galt.
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