Pikes Enterprise

Just had the extra schematics needed to build Pikes Enterprise*, Many thanks DB - thats a really good decision and while it doesn't alleviate the drop rate problem in the packs required to max out the ship it at least allows us to fly around like the Captain.
*assuming the thresholds are hit.
*assuming the thresholds are hit.
DB: Do Better
I just like flying around in different ships. Purely aesthetic.
^ This. You'd still have to buy hella packs to make it remotely usable, but this way people can at least cruise around in them.
They know people just like flying around in different ships, even though level one ships are useless. So they hope people like it enough to want to buy packs for the last 25 schematics.
Agreed. Never faulted them for expecting a little bit extra on players part to finish new ships. If you think about how much it cost before skirmishes to build a new ship it's a pretty sweet deal. Referring of course to when new ship schematics were packs only and you didn't get any up front.
I'm sure they do, but I wonder how many people actually do it. Especially once they know it's taken some people 2, 3, 4 or more pulls just to get those last few schems due to DBRNG.
But, they may have stumbled onto something. Skirmish announcements COULD have the 25 5* Schemes, so that making all the Scheme Targets in the Event would always give a Level One 5*......
Pretty sure the first two or three skirmishes did.
Edit: So, up until just moments ago, despite me traveling around with it to different planets, its size remained huge, as if it were zoomed way in. But just now, upon going to a different planet, the size reset to a more normal proportion. Haven't noticed that kind of thing happening before, but at least it's no longer bigger than my Borg Cube.
Edit 2: Okay, so I need to slightly amend my previous statement, based on some observations I made today. What was apparently happening before, immediately after traveling to a new planet, Pike's Enterprise was indeed a normal size. However, after doing some other task, I think it then became zoomed-in. Today, I tested this out a few times — went to a new planet, size was fine; then did an Arena battle (with a different ship, just fyi), and upon returning to the main screen, Pike's Enterprise was then embiggened. It also happens upon restarting the game or upon the first login of the day.
Could you please continue the petty bickering? I find it most intriguing.
~ Data, ST:TNG "Haven"
For the early skirmishes they gave schems for the 2 or 3 star ship that was introduced along with the 5 star. One time they sent schems for the 5* ship, but most figured that was a mistake and they meant to send the lower tier schems.