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Word police don't like the word bartender

So when I updated my fleet message with the ranked 5* for next week it was replaced by the word nazis with ********** Tuvok. Obviously, my fleet needs to be protected from such a dangerous word, and I appreciate it, but if it is going to be the name of a card perhaps it can be removed from the no-no list?


  • (HGH)Apollo(HGH)Apollo ✭✭✭✭✭
    I had no problem writing Bartender Tuvok anywhere in game. What exactly did you write?
    Let’s fly!
  • Chat, fleet message. Tried multiple times. Had to go with tavern operator instead.
  • Just checked, and it's still censored. It was not when I first wrote it, and then a few hours later it was censored.
  • Thorozar Thorozar ✭✭✭✭
    Some in our fleet cannot type champagne in chat either while I and a few others can as well. Could be device specific or perhaps region.
  • Dirk GundersonDirk Gunderson ✭✭✭✭✭
    I ran a quick experiment and it seemed to work fine for me:



    It would abnormal but not terribly surprising if the chat auto-censor was even more broken than previously believed..
  • Data1001Data1001 ✭✭✭✭✭
    The word "Bartender" has stupidly been censored for some time in in-game chat. I'm more surprised that that wasn't the case for Dirk. I remember long ago trying to mention Bartender Quark and it came out looking like I was cursing at him (which, Quark being Quark, would probably happen at some point if I knew him personally ;)).

    But like the OP, just the other day I posted the event notes for my fleet and had the exact same thing happen with Tuvok. I had to follow it up with "Ugh... The *tender* of the *bar*" so people knew what I was talking about.

    Could you please continue the petty bickering? I find it most intriguing.
    ~ Data, ST:TNG "Haven"
  • (HGH)Apollo(HGH)Apollo ✭✭✭✭✭
    Which platform are you on that does not allow you to say "bartender"? I am on ios and it works fine. I know that sometimes different platforms have different words censored.
    Let’s fly!
  • Data1001Data1001 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Which platform are you on that does not allow you to say "bartender"? I am on ios and it works fine. I know that sometimes different platforms have different words censored.


    That would be weird that it censors based on your device type...?

    Could you please continue the petty bickering? I find it most intriguing.
    ~ Data, ST:TNG "Haven"
  • Odo MarmarosaOdo Marmarosa ✭✭✭✭✭
    I posted this under the Inoffensive Censored Words Thread in engineering last night for the same reason. Did not check to see if it had been reported previously, but as it's a trait in the game and used in several character names that doesn't surprise me.

    Using android here...and I want to mention again that the names of most alcholic beverages are censored as well, even ones used as the names of items in game
  • Yeah, I am using the Amazon app store version on Android since in-game purchases are significantly cheaper in that version compared to all the other platforms (thanks to Amazon trying to get marketshare). Glad to hear that it's not just me having the issue. Anything remotely related to drinking, smoking, or taking any substance is blocked, no matter how inoffensive it actually is.
  • Odo MarmarosaOdo Marmarosa ✭✭✭✭✭
    Incidently "Mixologist Tuvok" is allowed.
  • 5000 Quatloos5000 Quatloos ✭✭✭✭✭
    I'd be OK with "Tapster Tuvok", with nods to thesaurus.com .
    Accepted. Mark them, Galt.
  • (HGH)Apollo(HGH)Apollo ✭✭✭✭✭
    How about Alchy Serving Tuvok?
    Let’s fly!
  • Bluebeard1Bluebeard1 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Tuvok the complete and utter barsteward?
  • Thorozar Thorozar ✭✭✭✭
    I am on android and can type all kinds of alcoholic beverages in game, others are unable. My suspicion is this is region based and not platform based.
  • So in the United States, we're not mature enough to handle the word bartender or use words like beer, but people who live elsewhere are?
  • and what exactly is so offensive about saying "I'm thirsty, so I think I'll have a beer." anyway? I'm 35 now and not offended knowing that people drink alcohol. Even before I was 21, I wasn't offended by that concept. I don't think I know anyone who would be either.
  • I use iOS and it isn’t censored... Just posted this in UC.

    “A committee is a cul-de-sac, down which good ideas are lured and quietly strangled.” —Mark TwainMEMBER: [BoB] Barrel of Bloodwine... We are recruiting and putting the “curv” in scurvy! Best Event Finish: #3 Honor Debt: Inconceivable...Honor Bank Account: Slowly building...
  • Yeah, we have established it's an Android issue. Just because you can type it doesn't mean that everyone can read it. It's still 100% censored for me and most of my fleet members.
  • All this baffles me. A while back I had a second account (gave it up - too much work) where my captain name was Make Love Not Lore. It was absolutely fine as a captain name but when I tried to refer to in chat while posting under my main account it was censored. I simply don't get the logic.
    “Holodeck 2 tomorrow, 1600 hours. Just you, me and a tuning fork”
  • FlemmingFlemming ✭✭✭✭✭
    I dont care what you call him, Gimme another drink!
    Intentionally Left Blank
  • Bluebeard1Bluebeard1 ✭✭✭✭✭
    My other game (Ark of war) has region specific censorship. I live in China and the word "Chinese" is censored in both English and Chinese languages, the word "American" is censored in English for my American team mates, but they can say Chinese fine.
    I don't think they control the censorship themselves (in my other game), but that it is done by a 3rd party (probably the same people who supply the translation algorithm) because sometimes the names of event items are censored.

    It may be the same here.
  • The censor also appears to be RNG based - some people can type certain words and have them go through, others cannot. In a certain context words are censored, in others they are not. There doesn't appear to be much consistency.
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