Rare Crew - not 'Rare' as in 3 star blues, but crew that don't appear very often.

Really not sure if this is a thing, or whether there really is an even chance of pulling crew of a given level. Say you're on a Voyage and you pull a 4 star crew - is it any more likely to be Mintakan Troy (newish addition) than Forra Gegen (been around since version 1.0)?
I never even heard of Forra Gegen - anyone else pulled a crew that made you go 'Huh?'
I never even heard of Forra Gegen - anyone else pulled a crew that made you go 'Huh?'
Didn't watch Voyager I assume? I believe the pull rates for the 4's are all random unless they're pack featured
Yeah, it's one of my favorite Voyager episodes. Hope you take the time to look it up, @Captain Zlogg . It's not because of the crew, it's the idea and the moral dilemma in the episode.
New crew are not available in the portal or voyage loot pool. Every so often DB will add crew to the pool of available players. It's never been officially confirmed, but the speculation is every crew of the same rarity level has an equal chance of dropping.
I'm sure there are some other purples I have never seen which have been around since the dawn of time
I hope it stays that way. Maquis Eddington is the only card I haven't immortalized that I still airlock on sight. Hate the character, so I'm glad it's a garbage card.
FWIW, I have had him drop 3 times on voyages in past 4 months. RNG at work.
Eddington was one of my earlier Super Rares to complete and freeze maybe 10 months ago, after I had already airlocked him 2 or 3 times. I thought a maquis event was coming up because he and Ro Laren kept dropping for me at the time. I've seen him drop a couple times since then but it's slowed. I recently got my first and second Forra Gegen after he started dropping in voyages for me a month or two ago.
I've only had one friar tuck data and robin hood picard drop, for me those seem rare but I'm guessing not for others. Not that he's special, but Ruk also took a long time for me to get my first copy.
Really? That's crazy, the Eddington story episodes are all amazing I thought... The character was a love to hate kind of character for sure
forgot about Marshal of France, I've never seen him drop in voyages or behold yet.
I only thought of him because his second star dropped in voyages today, lol
Drafted McCoy
Edith Keeler
Subcommander T’Rul
Keeler and Sybok have showed up in beholds before but as for T'Rul or McCoy I have never had them come up.
There were perhaps a couple of times I had to jog my mind on who the characters were but generally I remember most straight away.
As for Barak - it's 'Klingon Sarek' from The Motion Picture. I can't quite recall whether the name was given in the movie script or given retrospectively in the card game.
I know the card game gave Keras (Sarek spelt backwards) as the unnamed Romulan commander from TOS episode Balance of Terror - incidentally portrayed by the same actor.
See and I didn't have a single star for him before the portal update that added him and now have him 4/4 already.... RNG ftw
If we talk about legendaries as well as super rares, then there are probably a lot that I should have at least had as an option in beholds by now. Of the older 5*s, Seven of Nine is one that is conspicuously absent and would be highly welcome on my crew.
I have Niners Kira 3/4 and I've seen Gabe (who I airlocked because of space). But I have never seen Ambassador K'ehleyr. Got her mirror counterpart at 3/4 though.
I always feel I'm doing well with the super-rare crew until I realise I am still only halfway through!!
It feels like I could field an entire shuttle full of FF Mirror K’Ehleyrs based on all the ones I’ve airlocked over the years. RNGesus be praised.
- Age of Sail La Forge was FEd as a 1/4 around mid-December 2017 as #216 ... he's still 1/4 ... I've never seen him, neither in a pull or Voyage ... I have no idea how or where I got him, probably a straight drop from a pull when he came into the portal.
Others the have been around for a while and I've never seen a second copy of are:
- Tactical Michael Burnham #224 (but she was FE'd right after her event and wasn't in the portal for a while);
- Prisoner O'Brien #235 - picked up during his event (Sept 2017) but took a while to get around to levelling him.
All others I've had at least one copy drop.
I am missing 4 3 4*s that are in the portal ...
- Nexus Kirk - seen in behold but not picked; just picked up in a behold, could have immortalised Taylor ... but meh, her time will come, need new crew to level anyway.
- Commander Dolim - never seen;
- Malik - couldn't participate in his event (June 2018), never seen since;
- Mirror Mayweather - (December 2017) see Malik.
To give you an indication where I'm at now ... Siranna was FE crew #454.
EDIT: My oldest non-FF 4* is Mirror Jadzia Dax (#209) ... but she is now a 2/4, got 1 extra copy through a voyage.
EDIT2: 23.02.19 - picked up Kirk through a behold on a single Premium pull (thanks gauntlet!).
I’d be happy to finally finish Marshall of France (still 2/4) myself.
I have him 1/4 ... from a voyage.
And thanks Torias327 ... any copies are welcome.
Marshall of France Q a 1/4 for me ... dropped from a voyage.
Other than that drop rates seem to be totally random. There are some I've gotten more often than others. For instance:
I just airlocked my 5th copy of Mirror Jadzia, all from Vayages. And a 3rd Dixon Hill, even though I've never had room for him. And at some point I airlocked a 5th Prospero.
But then I've only ever seen one Friar Tuck and Robin Hood.
Never seen Dr. LaForge, Sybok, Mirror Maywether, RAF OBrien, Marshal of France, Prisoner O'Brien, Channeling Bashir, Katra McCoy, Tactical Burnham, Admiral Picard, Armed Georgiou, Tsunkatsu Seven. I could name others but I mostly don't care about them.
Best bet will probably be if/when he shows up in a Tuesday six pack as one of the fours (or some other theme pack). The regular premium portal is so diluted that it’s only worth free pulls from events once you have most of the fours IMO. Otherwise hope he drops during a voyage.
I’m down to needing one star for Gabriel Bell and one star for Drafted McCoy to have all of the fours that are in the general pool immortal and hoping they drop during voyages at this point.
That said, I’ve also noticed some anomalies in the frequency of drops from both voyages and packs. Certain characters seem to be “featured” for limited periods, for lack of a better word. This includes a handful of instances of receiving the same super rare drop from voyages 2-3 times in a week (statistically possible, but so unlikely that it’s very, very hard to dismiss). Such activity can also be observed in packs, typically when people buy the 10x10 offer and get to see results from repeat pulls. And old timers likely still remember the multi week period where David Marcus seemed to be in every other pack.
Of course, this is all conjectural, but it’s hard to dismiss such patterns as coincidence when you see them repeatedly over a 2-3 year stretch.
Squadron Leader - [TFA] Bateson’s Bulldogs
Humans have a tendency to see patterns even where there are none. See Clustering Illusion, Apophenia, Gambler's Fallacy, etc.