I think they fixed the thing...
in The Bridge
The Voyage thing. You know what I mean. Can anyone confirm?
If you mean an unadvertised fix for an unadvertised exploit then yes, there has been
Check out our website to find out more:
There seems to have been an unadvertised fix to a bug that a significant number of people were abusing (yes even doing it manually without a third party tool is abusing it) since they thought everyone else knew about it and was doing the same.
Not everyone knew, and some that did know may have chosen not to abuse it.
I’m personally glad it got fixed since this was one of the main bugs that third party tools could be built to exploit.
There’s been tons of opportunity for DB to state it’s a bug, don’t do it. We’re left guessing too much here.
Yes if you pressed the buttons fast enough or hit multiple choices at the same time both would sometimes pay off. I never heard of the IAP exploit on voyages until after it was pulled but i heard you could get 14 rewards per dilemma.
Dude where have you been? There was a huge blowup a few months ago when it came to light that the author of IAP had purposely built in exploits into a beta version. Check out the Frank and Roonis stream about it.
Who's morality are you going follow? A Klingon would much rather trade insults than "make nice" with some p'tak.