FYI - Seven in Silver now in the loot tables/portal

in The Bridge
Not sure if this was previously communicated, if so, please disregard - but just got this:

Seven in Latinum?
Seven in Buffinum?
Hopefully the Bynar Outrage will keep them from doing her as a Fusion card........
Correction seven in the buffinum
Well...that gives me an idea for a new crew:
Holographic Model Seven - 3*
DIP: 595+(35-145)
SCI: 260+(40-95)
ENG: 180+(25-60)
DS9 The Animated Series
Or at least do her as a worthy fusion card. No one objected to Bynars being a fusion. They objected to terrible stats for the fusion.
If they make seven Med/Sci/Dip with top 5 voyage stats people will be all over her. Especially if they use existing Seven and Doctor cards instead of introducing two new 4* required for the fusion.
Silver, blue, and gold
My rainbow is overdue...
Using existing Seven and Doctor cards wouldn’t help me.....I have all those cards immortalised. I suspect that would apply to many players.
You can still do a duplicate but only level to 99 fully equip fully fused then merge with 1F counterpart.