Petition for DB to release ship abilities with new crew stats...

in The Bridge
Is it just me or does it seem absurd that they don't give us info that could potentially be a HUGE selling point for those of us that thrive on skirmish events? If I could go back in time, knowing what I know now, I would have totally dropped $100 on the Killy event deal during her event. So my question is, would you like to know ship ability along with crew stats when that info is released?
Petition for DB to release ship abilities with new crew stats... 72 votes
You might be right. However, I posted another poll quite a while back, asking if players would like to see more rerun events. The overwhelming majority (something like 98-99%) of responses were yes. After that mega is when DB started their regular schedule of reruns after every Mega. So all hope is not lost.
I do understand why others want this, but it is just unimportant to me.
When Killy was for sale, I paid for her 2 copies, plus another 4 from the packs from the offer. So I have her at 5/5FE and 1/5FE. I bought her because I enjoyed the portrayal so much on Disco, I did not even take into account her ship abilities, and did not realise how good she was until I used her.
If I did not have Killy, I have enough other crew to make skirmishes easy, e.g. 5/5 T'Kuvma
That's fair enough. But as someone who pushes as hard as I can in skirmishes (and is my new favored event type,) I did some math that I'll share with you... by shaving 2 seconds off of each of the ship battles I run in skirmish events, I save myself 2.5 hours per day. So ship abilities, to me, are now the most important consideration when deciding what and when to spend. DB is missing an opportunity to get more of my money.
This is clearly the case. DB intentionally withholds them because they mistakenly believe it makes them more money.
Whatever, DB will DB. My apathy will continue to grow.
However at the moment I do not have an easy and quick way to provide this unfortunately.
I hope that this will change at some point.
This is a strange thing to be complicated as you suggest. In order for it to be difficult to communicate to us it would have to not be communicated to you by the staff releasing the new crew, and for them to not be able to tell you the ship ability when they're sending you the base stats suggests that they too do not know the ship ability, suggesting that upon release of new crew, a dart is simply thrown at a dartboard and randomly picked upon the crew's release?
Seriously, the design team clearly provides you the base stats which you put into a forum post, how in the world is it complicated for them to also provide you the ship ability to throw in the post as well? Trust me, I want to understand, I just cannot
I would suggest the easiest might be a picture. The only problem is the First to Max.
Edit: a picture of a 1FFE crew only problem would be Common crew.
Thus, unfused stats and ship abilities could be pictured
I have to agree with Yateball above me. Your explanation, on its face, really just falls flat. How about this... instead of you coping and pasting the stats, can you just ask the design team to send you screenshots of a 1/5, 5/5, and their ship stats? Then you could just post those? Bam. You'd make a lot of us very happy and be my personal hero.
Screenshots. Easy peasy.
We don't WANT to make your job any harder than it absolutely has to be. But, like I said, you guys have released an entire event type based on the info we're requesting. It is essential info now. It wasn't before. But it certainly is now. Please, make this happen for us.