Did I Miss it?!?!?

in The Bridge
Or was there no $9.99 Legendary Crew Offer this week?
There is an existing 5* Surgeon Pulaski. Surprised she was not offered for the tie in to Event. Although I guess she would be a "next week" tie in.......
There is an existing 5* Surgeon Pulaski. Surprised she was not offered for the tie in to Event. Although I guess she would be a "next week" tie in.......
"The truth is like a lion; you don't have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself."
They could credibly offer Pulaski for $9.99. She is roughly equivalent in value to Durango Troi and several months older than Emperor Philippa, both of whom were offered for that price.
She's also MUCH less useful in events than durango troi, so would be even more appropriate at $10 IMO.
Except she isn't actually event crew this week. But she would be a good choice for next week, depending on what the other bonus crew are.
I am almost positive she was not.
There have been so many times I did the same thing. Have to always double check myself to make sure I am not making that mistake.😉
Thank you, that makes me feel better! There are currently about 6 existing legendaries that I really want (not because they're useful, but because I just want them) and they never show up in any of the beholds I get. She's one of them.
That guy gets it. He wore the brown pants.
That's interesting, I had never noticed that there were no pack only people among the 5* they offered before events. That could make a Surgeon Pulaski offer unlikely