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Latest Poll .. so what?

Thanks for the latest poll.

"What theme do you want?" tells us absolutely nothing.

Factions. Crew. Format. DETAILS!

It seems that the events are weighted to faction events, with galaxy events running a close second.

Skirmish events are so ridiculous that, in order to seriously take part, one has to dedicate unreasonable amounts of time to it (I usually have to just accept that I will lose huge amounts of intel).

And there's that other event type .. the one that we very rarely see. Personally, I like that one. Apparently it doesn't rack up the $$$$ for you guys like faction events, though.

Really, the polls are irrelevant.

I would much rather see DB fixing the Gauntlet and making the events more even than messing around with a pointless popularity contest on the THEME of the next mega event.

Kill the polls, fix the issues.
Cruikshanks [TBL]
The Bovine League

"Leave bigotry in your quarters; there's no room for it on the bridge." James T. Kirk


  • Bylo BandBylo Band ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited March 2019

    I promise that link is fitting. If anybody better at this can link it properly, by all means :p
  • Data1001Data1001 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited March 2019
    Yeah, it's sort of pointless to have a survey when you don't explain exactly what each choice would be all about.

    Could you please continue the petty bickering? I find it most intriguing.
    ~ Data, ST:TNG "Haven"
  • Average GuyAverage Guy ✭✭✭✭
    Shorter events would be easier to enjoy. Two events per week, each is a day and a half. One rerun Tuesday noon and one original on Friday noon. More opportunities to play, less opportunity to burn out.
  • When most of the week is part of an Event, doesn't that really mean that the 2 days off are the real Event?
    [DCC] bebe
    Privileged to be Admiral of the Great Fleet
    Dilithium Causes Cancer, maxed Starbase level 134
    Featuring photonic flee free holodecks and
    All you can drink Neelix's Even Better Than Coffee Substitute!
  • Cranky (SC) Cranky (SC) ✭✭✭✭✭
    [DCC] bebe wrote: »
    When most of the week is part of an Event, doesn't that really mean that the 2 days off are the real Event?

    And half of all the time we’re in a ‘mega’ event.
  •  Bri Bri ✭✭✭✭
    [DCC] bebe wrote: »
    When most of the week is part of an Event, doesn't that really mean that the 2 days off are the real Event?

    And half of all the time we’re in a ‘mega’ event.

    True, the mega event frequency is.... frequent. I don’t care so much about that. It would be nice to have a bit more variety of events. Skirmishes was a great addition, you get back what you put in really. I wonder if there are any new event types on the horizon? And mini events, as someone suggested, could break up the monotony a little. The game has improved since I started in October 2017, but it would be nice to see more regularity of new events, cryo rewards, achievements and changes to beholds where everyone is already immortal (I only need 5 x outstanding 4* crew, so you can imagine 90% of beholds are worthless).
  • They probably already know what they're going to do and going to fit our choice around their event. Remember the "Romulan event" with very few Romulans?
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