Who do you want for $10 legendary?

in The Bridge
I always like to see the $10 (USD) deals before events. We've had the opportunity for Assimilated Janeway in a recent offer and Agent Janeway from a rerun event. I'm curious to see if players would want another copy for $10 or someone else.
Farewell 🖖
Who do you want for $10 legendary? 89 votes
So I will just add that DB has been tying in the crew with the upcoming event.
So Kim variant would be next week.
Also Pulaski would be this week.
{Edit: after I read your second post.
If you can edit Kim to Pulaski.
Though that might change your own vote😉}
Edit: do they ever make this offer before a Skirmish?
{Another Edit:
I think the offers on Archer would limit him Ushaan Archer. I think the others are too recent or too good.
I think Surgeon Pulaski would be my choice.}
The new reward structure got me. Sorry, but it won't let me change things now. But thank you for pointing out that results will be skewed.
I went ahead and voted someone other than three.
Surgeon Pulaski getting my vote.
I do not think we will get this offer this week.
But probably will get one next week.
So you could through a poll out during the weekend for next weeks😉
But the day EV Seven pops up for $10 my wallet's opening without a second thought.
PS: I regret NOTHING !
Although almost any of them would be fine, Rura Penthe Kirk is the only one I don’t have yet...hint hint, DB.
Will they change their tact and offer a Kirk variant, who knows but a Kal-if-fee, Rura Penthe or Gangster Kirk wouldn't go a miss, wink wink nudge nudge.