Voyage drops specific like Dabo wheel

in The Bridge
I would be nice if Voyage drops, dilemma or not, were of existing crew you need to level up like the Dabo wheel is. I ran a few 20hr Voyages within 2 weeks and have gotten numerous Purps. They're all cool, but I don't have the space to hold onto these cards until they show up again. I have soo many 1* purps that I don't work and usually they get airlocked. Oh well, guess they'll just collect dust.

Edit: Just after I wrote above.
I have Shakaar immortalized. But I have three 1F copies from last event.
I just got a dilemma that drops 4* crew. It dropped Shakaar. I left them in excess just in case I picked up one more on voyage.
Your suggestion just happened for me.
Edit: Forgot🙄 Ditto what @Yateball said below.
Dabo wheel frequently shows me crew I have frozen on its top row... just FYI
No problem. You had a thought.
But, I would never need to get a superrare crew that was available in the portal if the voyage dropped as you suggested.
That could cut into premium x10 portal pack sales.
True, I see what you're saying. The non-dilemma crew drops are the ones I'm speaking of. Got some of my best crew from there.
End the end it's about money, so I get it.
19 - 3/4s
16 - 2/4s
7 - 1/4s
But for about a year and a half it was the other way round or worse, as annoying as those purples you don't need drop or that have to be airlocked they are still a free donation to a legendary citation or if you have none a begold. If you are limited on slots unfortunately you need to be a little more frugal/brutal with your selections.
I think it would be quite hard to tailor voyages to crew you have because after immortalising and sending them to cryostasis, they no longer count as part of your active crew so you could end up on drops of several crew you have already done and frozen, this might be why they show up in dabo.
I Concur.
I'm presently:
10 - 3/4s
6 - 2/4s
4 - 1/4s
and 8, well now 9 with Testy Archer. which I do not own.
I also have 7 - 4/4s which I'm just being very slow to equip.
Also work hard on 1, 2 and 3 star crew so you can finish cadet challenges and then freeze the lot as soon as all missions can be warped. Very few below 4 stars have enough power to appear in any event or on a shuttle (once you start building up those 4 stars that is).
As time goes on Voyages just end up being Honor farming and you do premium x10 pulls for the chances at more honor or the 1.27% chance of a 5* Begold. From what is available to earn from Voyages I only need 8 stars between 7 crew members. To help balance out FF 4* crew and the amount of 5* crew now in the game I would love to see at least the first year of 5* crew added to Voyages and allow people to be able to finish immortalizing all of those. Really can't see that eating into DB's pack or premium sells on cards that are not really that good anymore. Could see it as helping newer players and f2p players able to pick up needed crew to help them be more competitive with the spenders. Even if they end up airlocking them they can add a small amount to their honor pool.