Pro tip: make the Dabo Wheel work for you!

in The Bridge
Most have a fair amount of super rare crew sitting un-leveled. With a little time spent in the crew wiki, you can level select crew to about level 50 or so, and leave them there without equipping gear, causing the dabo wheel to have a better chance to spawn hard to make 3* equipment. An example I use is Galen (Picard variant). At level 50 he requires 3* Science Experiment and 3* Neural Processor which are both problematic to make. Find a few more crew that you have that use these, level them up to that point, and they will fairly often pop up in the Dabo Wheel on the second row. It doesn't happen every time, and you still have to roll them on the wheel, but I usually pickup 2ish a month. I always roll 5000 credits + 10 dil, sometimes 30 dil if the choices are really good. Those 3* Science Experiments are handy!
Same, I forget all the time, and I'm not upset when I do
Another thing you can do to maximise the chances of Dabo items being useful is make sure your recently airlocked crew are no longer available for re-enlistment before the Dabo reset. It seems to consider recently airlocked crew as eligible in the “stuff you need” algorithm.