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Temporal Expanse Fleet

edited April 2019 in Fleet Central
Temporal Expanse is looking for an active, friendly captain to join our squad of Temporal Travellers. This squad is looking for a level 40+ captain with daily targets of 100 pr better, event ranks 15k and under, amd must be in the GMT time zone to ensure cohesion within the squad.


We are a fleet that is very active, very friendly fleet looking for the same. We have been arpund for 1yr, we have a lvl 76 starbase, replicator rooms at max level. We enjoy friendly competition amousgest ourselves. We have a good mix of new players and Veterans; together we share our knowledge and exp with players of the fleet, while also continuing to grow and learn. Our fleet encourages each other and the accomplishments of all players. If your looking for an awesome fleet then look no further then Temporal Expanse because we arw the fleet for you. You can contact Slatrock on Discord at Saltrock#4729 he is the squad leader or Counselor Troi [TE] #1771. Leqve a message here on forums or look us up in game. Saltrock [TE] or Admiral Troi [TE] " To boldly go where no man has gone before"
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