Federation DTI - Recruiting - Max Level Starbase

Active Fleet seeking Active players.
We are an active fleet seeking a few more to strengthen the fleet further. Our requirements are simple and easy to achieve. We ask everyone to hit a daily target of 60 points. (You can hit this number nearly, by just doing all your daily quests). We activity remove players that stop playing or are only there to seek a free ride. If you are tired of joining dead fleets, time to give us a try.
While it is NOT mandatory to talk on discord, we do have a discord server we ask players to join, so important messages are not lost and new players have access to our player guides. Voice chat is disabled, as this server is just to overcome the crappy in game chat.
We finish all Starbase Daily Unlocks, within the 12hrs every day and haven't failed to unlock them in over a year..
Weekly events, the fleet finishes in the top 50 every event and usually in the top 30. Our best performance so far is rank 14. We are certain a few good players will help us achieve this more often.
Our motto is to be competitive without becoming elitist. No requirements for you to become a P2W player but most of our players do spend a few bucks here and there, things like the monthly dillithium.

We are an active fleet seeking a few more to strengthen the fleet further. Our requirements are simple and easy to achieve. We ask everyone to hit a daily target of 60 points. (You can hit this number nearly, by just doing all your daily quests). We activity remove players that stop playing or are only there to seek a free ride. If you are tired of joining dead fleets, time to give us a try.
While it is NOT mandatory to talk on discord, we do have a discord server we ask players to join, so important messages are not lost and new players have access to our player guides. Voice chat is disabled, as this server is just to overcome the crappy in game chat.
We finish all Starbase Daily Unlocks, within the 12hrs every day and haven't failed to unlock them in over a year..
Weekly events, the fleet finishes in the top 50 every event and usually in the top 30. Our best performance so far is rank 14. We are certain a few good players will help us achieve this more often.
Our motto is to be competitive without becoming elitist. No requirements for you to become a P2W player but most of our players do spend a few bucks here and there, things like the monthly dillithium.

VIP Level 14. 357 Immortal Crew. I believe I could contribute best as a squadron leader. - Captain "Shortpunch"
We have a "Farm" fleet that we recruit active players from, if you are interested in joining it, and waiting until we have another spot.
It is a fleet with a similar name: "Federation DTI Academy"
We get most of our players from there, but sometimes it dries up, and we recruit from the forums.
If you want more info, send me a PM.