Battle pop up blocking view

Does this bother anyone else? It happens in arena and during skirmish. Half the time in arena i cant see which ship blew up mine or opponent. I know there are progress lines at the top and bottom but to try to watch both, and ships, and trigger when ready it just too much. I would rather just see my ship.

see which ship is blown up. Mine or the opponent?

see which ship is blown up. Mine or the opponent?
I just long tap one of the inactive mods for like half a second and when i take my finger off it will go away.
Im on ios and it will not go away. Just like this example that wont go away. Completely overlays the rest of the drops.
Now that is a new one. Having the info graphic pop up during battles is one thing, having it as a permanent feature is something else. [obligatory query if you have tried turning it off and back on again]
Contacting C/S usually results in the standard...”will forward to tech devision, sorry we have no control over technical difficulties.” Or being questioned about if my device, stt app are currently updated, and/or if i have tried logging out and restarting.
And specifically on a behold, yes did log out then back in and i ended up with the one under the info screen even though i did not choose it.
Wow. I imagine you're pretty tired of seeing “sorry, we couldn’t replicate your error and therefore can’t do anything to fix it” messages...assuming you get them in the first place, that is. I commend your ability to power through all of that, I can’t say for certain that I would be so patient.
This happens when, in the ship battle immediately preceding that one, you engaged a ship ability or a crew ability at the exact moment of the end of the battle. I've tested that numerous times, and that's definitely what causes it. As far as I know, DB is well aware of it (it's been brought up several times here). Usually you can dismiss it by hovering over (on a computer) or tapping on (on mobile device) the crew or ship ability in question, but occasionally (as others have noted) that doesn't always work.
Could you please continue the petty bickering? I find it most intriguing.
~ Data, ST:TNG "Haven"
1- In arena/skirmish battles you sometimes get a crew person’s ship battles stuck on screen. Happens when you tried to use them on a previous battle. Holding down any ability for half a second makes it go away.
2- Crew stats on a behold getting stuck on screen. I’m less certain of the reasons behind this, but I have seen and heard of it half a dozen times before. You can still see the crew choices and switch apps to consult the wiki, so I don’t see the big issue. That being said, for sure it’s still a bug.
3- in skirmishes, the event phase complete error happens if you tap too many times (ie more than once) on the start Skirmish/battle button. Some sort of bug with network timeouts in game, though ultimately it’s not an issue as you can try again/force reboot if needed.
As for the original post: yep, still happens to me and I agree with @Data1001 as to the root cause.