DISBANDED (Squad Leaderboard)

I don’t like to cross-post where avoidable, but it seems like this is probably a bug:


This has been fixed: now only the one Squadron is correctly showing up as DISBANDED.
Thanks for the update
I don’t quite get it though - was that squad punished for disbanding mid-event?
Is that still something players bother doing?
Is that frowned upon?
Is it like IAP in that it’s not disallowed/blocked and actually approved by DB staff, but you have to be in the know?
Would be nice to know what happened though. For the sake of transparency.
It can happen that a Squadron gets disbanded by a player during an event, it is not wise but it does happen. We had nothing to do with it. To ensure that leaderboards do not get into a broken state when this happen, said squadrons still get listed as "disbanded. And yes it means that the event squadrons rewards are lost for those players.
The squad leader was inactive for over 3 weeks during the event, thus the leader gets kicked out oif the fleet, auto disbanding the squad.
They've changed that. Now it auto promotes someone else from the squad to leader instead (kinda wish they'd left it alone or given admirals/officers the power to disband squads).