Lieutenant Jones
in The Bridge
I was cruising IMDB and noticed an unknown charachter that apparently appeared in 56 episodes of DS9, more that either Garak or Nog. I was curious about this guy I had never noticed.
It seems that aside from his heavy presence in DS9, Lieutenant Jones was also in 2 movies and 33 episodes of TNG as one of the most prolific uncredited extras I've ever heard of.
He battled the Borg twice, travelled in time to 2063 and 2267, fought in and survived the Dominion war and never got past the rank of lieutenant.
When do we get a card for this apparently epic crewmember? After all 89 episodes and 2 movies is more than some main characters have managed.
It seems that aside from his heavy presence in DS9, Lieutenant Jones was also in 2 movies and 33 episodes of TNG as one of the most prolific uncredited extras I've ever heard of.
He battled the Borg twice, travelled in time to 2063 and 2267, fought in and survived the Dominion war and never got past the rank of lieutenant.
When do we get a card for this apparently epic crewmember? After all 89 episodes and 2 movies is more than some main characters have managed.
There were others too, just can’t think of names right now.
I was thinking mainly of folks who were in dozens of episodes, but only in the background (like Jones & Jae), but yeah those guys would work too I suppose.
Captain Level: 95
VIP Level: 12
Unique Crew Immortalized: 525
Collections Completed: Vulcan, Ferengi, Borg, Romulan, Cardassian, Uncommon, Rare, Veteran, Common, Engineered, Physician, Innovator, Inspiring, Diplomat, Jury Rigger, Gauntlet Legends
(Helps when you look like both Data and Paris when they are too expensive to have around)
Either way, it sounds fishy to me, but here is his bio on memory alpha :
As for the uncredited comms officer in ST:VI that is none other than Christian Slater (a well known actor with quite a resume)
Yeah, he's a one off... but I like the actor
If so, we can't forget about Ensign Gates. She had a pretty long tour on the Enterprise-D and was at the helm in "All Good Things..."!
What now? I had no idea...will have to rewatch that scene now.
Literally only had a few lines at the start of the film, but he did have "sir.. it's the enterprise".
Oh yeah - the film was First Contact.
Meant to mention it in the earlier post.
7 episodes is hardly plenty
Yes, Ayala would be another one (over 100 episodes I think). There were also Leslie and Kyle from TOS and besides Jae TNG had I think it was Wallace & Gates.
He was only in seven episodes?
The face of Lt Jones.
I knew the exact scene and could even remember his face but never put two and two together...and here I thought I had a good handle on all of the unheralded Trek guest stars that went on to bigger and better things.
Second best:
She was my first Immortalized in game.
Anthropologist / Adventurer
Tactical officer
well he was probably even nurse, at least once... but I haven't found photo... yet.
Considering he was in 56 episodes, he is almost "most canon" character we don't have in game.
There were minor crewmembers, who had more appearances than the main cast. And Ayala was the best in topping all of them.
Jones as Engineer
Jae as Flight Controller
Ayala as Security
Russell as Operations
One can add Kellogg at Tactical.
We need someone for Medical.