Yet another crew member has randomly disappeared.

I got an Anastasia Komananov from my Campaign 10 pack, I'm thinking great that will be her second star. Nope she has disappeared from my roster. This is now the 5th crew I have had disappear. Of course I have put in a ticket but who knows if I will get her back.
Starfleet Commission: August 12, 2017
I am sorry this happened, PS will investigate and assist you.
However it would help if you could add the above context details in your ticket as well. Thank you.
This crew disappearing act is a recurrent problem. Most tickets sent ask for proof of crew as if the player is lying, or has air-locked and now wants them back. C/S reps make (me) feel like i am a liar if i dont have proof. I have had this happen so many times after playing for 3+ years. So at the very least can we please get a proper crew count manifest in the vault so that screenshots and “proof” are easily obtained.
Im sorry to report but sometimes the info is lost in space. I have had C/S tell me i nvr owner or airlocked, then when i sent a screenshot of my portal drop plus active manifest they say....
“oh, hm.... sorry for our records mistake”. “We dont know why we have no record”.
i have had this with lost currency as well, and items built for crew suddenly show as needing built again.
After 3+ yrs of crew and currency to keep track of I literally spend 2-3 hours a week with video/screenshots/and written records.
And yes, having to keep records is ridiculous but it is what it is. I recommend everyone video or screenshot there active manifest, vault, and portal ( since it shows all currency in one place and any saved packs or kits) at least once a week.
This is why i am begging please please please give us a proper full count roster in the vault with
It will make the process of crew records for players much easier to keep track of. And maybe in the process make DB record keeping better as well. Something needs done since DB own record keeping is not always accurate.
I rarely send in a ticket because the C/S is usually either blaming me or state they have no authority over the matter and will forward the issue to engineering/programmers.
I love this game and am still here. But some glitches and ongoing complaints just need to be taken more seriously to stop the aggravation. I know alot of ppl who stop playing bcuz they lost items, crew or currency and get sick of C/S placing blame on the player. “Our records dont show” blabla. The company line.
Actually, come to think of it, I had the same deja vue feeling about an Agent Harris pulled a couple of months back, but chalked it up to my memory playing tricks on me. Is it really that common to just randomly lose things in the game (that people have potentially paid money to get), because that's...not a great look.
That is what I am told, I am dismissing them so they have to take the honor back.
I had alot of credits. They disappeared. I sent in a ticket. C/S told me i had spent them building items. This was before replicator so u earn credits as u get components to build items, there was no way i built soo many items without earning credits to the point of 500 left from 1.8 mil.
So i continued back and forth emails with the rep arguing the point until they sent me my account record of credits earned and spent. I printed the log for 1 weeks worth and did the math of earnings and expenditures. It did NOT add. Their own proof of credit accounting they sent me was WRONG. I sent an email back with the timestamp, earnings, spending, balance and pointed out the accounting errors. I got some sorrychrons, and that was the end of it.
I think 100-200 chrons. Not equivalent to my 1mil credits lost. They just said “no way to know how many credits u had Or lost if you have no proof. Sorry.” End of story.
My system is that when a voyage returns I order crew by level, then scroll to the bottom and pick the last one, dismiss, then keep going until they are all gone. Usually it's fine as the game selects the new last person in the list, but maybe 1% of the time the selection bounces to high level crew. I think it is whoever came top of the list when crew is sorted by level. The problem is that it happens to me so rarely, and I click through the dismissal confirmation so quickly too. I did pay attention one time and something seemed off. Turned out I'd dismissed a non immortalised 5* crew member accidentally, as part of the post voyage airlocking. So, now I always double check the dismissal confirmation, and I also check the reenlistment list afterwards too.
This seems to have stopped the problem for me, and it would align with why CS think you have dismissed the crew.
Perhaps this is not the problem that everyone is having, but hopefully my observations help some people avoid losing some crew!
In my case it's an actual factual immortalised crewman that I think has gone walkabout, so an accidental dismissal doesn't seem particularly likely. I did receive a reply back to my ticket (pretty promptly, to be fair) saying 'You had him at 3*, kept hold of him for 11 months and dismissed on this date.'
I've replied back observing how little sense that makes, but without any of the previously suggested screenshots (because why would you think you would need to take and keep such things?) all I can say it what I remember. What can you do, eh? [/rhetorical]
I did want to say that yes the bottom sort lvl of 1 flip flops and takes me to an immortal at the top quite often. I always check my reenlistment page after dismissals just to be sure.