Assimilated Federation Recruiting! Level 134 Maxed Starbase

Our fleet has begun our biggest recruitment drive yet, thanks to the retirement of a few of our veteran players - some permanently, some just until they get things back in order. But until then, we need the help of captains like you!
This fleet has been around since the beginning of the game, all the way back in 2016, and we’ve had some incredible event successes over the years, including 40 squad wins, some hall of fame worthy solo wins, and hundreds of top 25 placings.
At the moment, we’re looking for a broad range of people at various levels, from level 10 to 99. Free-to-play players are perfectly welcome, but if you're VIP14 and want to spend big, that’s fine by us too - we don’t judge player choice here. We don’t discriminate against younger players, and would even say that we’re looking forward to training up the veterans of the future!
We like to think of ourselves as a friendly bunch from all across the world, and our chat tends to be pretty lively (especially if we’ve had some beers and there’s football on!). But in all seriousness, we have people who only recently got into Star Trek, and some who have been watching all their lives - and when we meet in the middle and get to talk, we have a grand old time.
Some of us go all out for events, some of us are happy just to aim for thresholds. We don’t expect the world from newer recruits, but if they want to shoot for the moon, we’re more than happy to help them get there.
All we ask is that you are friendly; respectful of others; donate daily (life happens, so no pressure if you miss out a bit); are willing to use GroupMe (a free chat app we use to coordinate); and most importantly, enjoy the game!
Get assimilated - it’s never been better.
This fleet has been around since the beginning of the game, all the way back in 2016, and we’ve had some incredible event successes over the years, including 40 squad wins, some hall of fame worthy solo wins, and hundreds of top 25 placings.
At the moment, we’re looking for a broad range of people at various levels, from level 10 to 99. Free-to-play players are perfectly welcome, but if you're VIP14 and want to spend big, that’s fine by us too - we don’t judge player choice here. We don’t discriminate against younger players, and would even say that we’re looking forward to training up the veterans of the future!
We like to think of ourselves as a friendly bunch from all across the world, and our chat tends to be pretty lively (especially if we’ve had some beers and there’s football on!). But in all seriousness, we have people who only recently got into Star Trek, and some who have been watching all their lives - and when we meet in the middle and get to talk, we have a grand old time.
Some of us go all out for events, some of us are happy just to aim for thresholds. We don’t expect the world from newer recruits, but if they want to shoot for the moon, we’re more than happy to help them get there.
All we ask is that you are friendly; respectful of others; donate daily (life happens, so no pressure if you miss out a bit); are willing to use GroupMe (a free chat app we use to coordinate); and most importantly, enjoy the game!
Get assimilated - it’s never been better.

We play casual and competitive! Come hang with us in chat and see if our fleet is a good fit for you
Another #1 finish by one of our members, two spots are still open in this awesome and friendly fleet!!
I know, I know, it's low hanging fruit, and suspiciously similar to the kind of line that a car advertiser would use, but when the sentiment is meant and felt as keenly as this, it gets the point across.
Assimilated Federation is the kind of fleet I only hoped for when I first started out in the game - friendly, always active, always fulfilling their donations, helping to push when someone wanted to go for a big event win, and even helping out newer members with game mechanics and Beholds. And that isn't a sales line - that's the truth. I've made some real friends here.
It can be easy to pick just any fleet when you're starting out. But it can be just as easy to pick the right fleet - and this is the one.
Hey ho, another big finish! Come help us make the next push for #1
Another big event for Assimilated Federation! Come check us out